Rasvan Ionescu

General Rasvan Ionescu

Rasvan Ionescu's parents were scholars at the Military Institute of Bamard. Though they possess the knowledge and training to be military leaders themselves, they instead took a bookish approach to life, teaching those who aspired to higher military service. Therefore Rasvan had no shortage of learning at home, as he devoured military texts and  concepts of management and bureaucracy. He was deemed to be an exceptionally bright student, and a highly capable administrator as he volunteered into the Bamardi Home Army and quickly rose through the ranks.    His parents were well known mentors to many of the highest ranking officials in the Kingdom of Bamard, and this quickly smoothed the way for Rasvan's elevation through the ranks. He became a colonel and second in command to the General in command of the defense of Wetumpka, a prestigious post. Rasvan was only twenty five years old at the time of this promotion. In that place, he helped revitalize Wetumpka's infrastructure and developed a new defense and containment plan should the Shin Empire collapse or threaten the borders. These achievements meant he was in the right place at the right time when his commander died in 1040. He was promoted to the position of General and became the new head of the defenses and administration of Wetumpka.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
General in Command of the Wetumpka Defense
Date of Birth
Bloodset 12, 1013
Year of Birth
1013 AF 28 Years old
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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