Zachari Crossing

The fortress at Zachari Crossing is a newer construction, built in the wake of the Wingo War. During the war itself, the crossing was highly contested as the dwarves and elves took it early in the conflict and used it as a base to launch raids into central Alsona. Although the crossing was retaken towards the end of the war, the fortress had to be built after, when the treaty was signed and Valtkos Wingo gained its independence. With the Citadel of St. Ulfgar standing just across the Efcharistos River with its own siege weapons and garrison, these two fortresses stand opposed, and would likely be the center of any renewed war between the dwarves and men.

Purpose / Function

Originally Zachari Crossing was built simply as a ferry, with a collection of a handful of warehouses to store supplies being sold or transported to settlers on the west bank of the Efcharistos River. The ferry was essential to those seeking a new life in the west, and as it grew in prominence a bridge was built here too, fortified with several towers to fend off wandering monsters or bandits who sought to prey upon those seeking a better life. A garrison was stationed there long before the Wingo, for the same purpose, to protect trade over this vital artery of the Kingdom of Alsona.


During the Wingo War, the dwarves built a series of bunkers to protect the bridge from Alsonan attack. These bunkers were mostly razed during the last battle of the war, although some would be kept by the humans to be used as storehouses and fallback positions. When the treaty was finally signed, the towers of the bridge were restored, but they were deemed insufficient for holding off a determined offensive. On the eastern back of the river, the bridge itself was integrated into the castle that rose up from the banks. This new castle expands across both sides of the road, and its fortifications force any attackers to cross elsewhere or enter into combined fire zones along the bridge itself. Only recently having finished construction, it is a testament to the urgency and concern relating to the possibility of a second Wingo War.
Founding Date
383 AF
Parent Location
Related Ethnicities
Owning Organization


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