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Battle on the Telemt

General Summary

12th of Tyr, 634 Golden Era
Having seen off the rest of their tribe, Bon and the remaining Viverri set to various tasks to occupy the time until Tehluk was finished cobbling together their new transportation. Bon being the restless sort tried to help, but without the technical know-how of the workers and Tehluk he was relegated to dismantling the remaining boats to be salvaged.   13th of Tyr, 634 Golden Era
The workers labored tirelessly through the next 9 hours to finish their new , and it was a monstrosity by their proportions. While the typical agabas ranged from 10-20ft in length and perhaps 10-15ft. across this newfound monstrosity measured 75ft long and 50ft wide with a central deck and a helm between the two hulls, an unusual design by Viverri standards. Tehluk, however, assured them it would sail. At least to their destination. Probably. And so with preparations complete the remaining Viverri huddled aboard and set off down the Telemt River.
  To the Viverri the Telemt River is a vital component of their culture. Their migration patterns heavily involve the usage of this massive sand river as it carries them from the northern reaches of the Sea of Sand to the south as winter approaches the desert. However the Telemt is a treacherous beast only the most skilled of the Viverri can navigate safely. For one it's underground so visibility is an issue. Even with the ability to see in the dark the speed of the river makes reaction time all the more important as one traverses the river. That's another point, many parts of the river have rapid like portions with rocks below the surface but also stalactites to look out for. In addition, since it is underground cave ins to occur and can temporarily alter the river's course or simply provide new unknown obstacles. It is not a far stretch to claim that none other than the Viverri have safely navigated this river, and with such consistency. All of this to say that the remainder of their journey was a difficult one already rife with danger with which they had to navigate with a thrown together ship, so when I say that the addition of two hungry bulettes looking for a meal was not a welcome sight it feels like an understatement.
  Setting off downriver Tehluk took up the helm with Gnunac assisting by spotting incoming hazards. and Bon acted as crew, and Sentik and acted as lookouts while the remaining Viverri waited in the hulls out of sight. After a few hours of travel down river the telltale breaching of the sand exposing the top of the two bulettes told the crew that they were no longer alone.
  Hunting bulettes is a particularly difficult task on the surface of the sea, but it is one the Viverri hold in high regard as they believe the bulette to be a worthy opponent. These hunts involve two to three agabas encircling a single bulette, as they typically hunt alone, employing hit and run tactics to harry their prey. These hunts are brutal and dangerous as the bulette dives below the surface and makes massive leaps across the ships hoping to snatch a snack and leave. In addition with their size they can easily ram the agabas capsizing or sinking it. All the while the Viverri aboard navigate, strafe, and swoop at the bulette hoping to pierce its armor with a crossbow bolt or . Now do all of that in the pitch black dark, on a fast moving river, and add another bulette in for good measure. I'm exhausted just thinking about it.
  The battle was fierce and deadly with the bulettes alternating between leaps across the ship and ramming it hoping to knock loose a tasty snack, and the Viverri aboard raining down crossbow bolts and magic. As told to me by one of the crew there was a glorious moment when Bon leaped from the ship, planting himself on the back of one of the beasts, rammed his gheda into to a crack in its armor and attempted to steer it away from the boat like using a rudder. It did not pan out well for him though as the bulette rolled and Bon smacked face first into the sand. Bon himself did not mention this event and when asked he merely stared at me. Or was it a glare? It's very hard to read a gnoll's face. Sentik however did find it very amusing. The battle was finally drawn to a close as Tehluk, tired of being rammed, decided to ram back crushing a bulette beneath a hull, and the other, having taken a large amount of wounds, decided to retreat. In an hour or so the river calmed as well and their journey finally seemed to be nearing its end, and nearly a day later the ramshackle agabas pulled up to their destination to the sight of their tribe calmly resting and anticipating their arrival on the shore.
  Informed of Zilva and Szomar's absence as they went ahead to ready Kharalé for the tribe, Bon took the position of leader for then to the complaints of none, and the tribe packed up and left on the final leg of the journey.
  14th of Tyr, 634 Golden Era
Nearly 24 hours later Bon and the rest of the tribe were greeted at the entrance of Kharalé by Zilva and Szomar who embraced them with warmth. Their several day ordeal of being driven from their home, forced marches and constant attacks was finally finished. Zilva told Bon to rest up for the first time in days. "Now we are at the hard part." were her parting words to Bon before he went to sleep away his weariness.

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