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Horror at Havel's Cross

General Summary

11th to the 13th of Tempus, 636 Golden Era
After the 'Feast of the Pines' Talbet has mostly settled back into it's usually sleepy town feeling. It took a week for all the revelers and refuse to vacate, but life seems to have returned to normal. The Bullfrog Inn, filled with the hum of conversation and the pleasant smell of summer on the plains, is serving up a hearty breakfast as your group makes it's way in to look over the options for today's work. On the board you notice only 2 job postings, one is a large piece of parchment with large writing on the top stating URGENT, and the other is a smaller missive near the bottom.

Having survived his week long bender from the festival Olli rejoins the party just as they regroup to decide on their next mission. Their trepidation towards the urgent quest leads them to the smaller missive. Written in tight neat handwriting, it points them to their meeting place, Spring Shoot Inn, a local inn and tavern built specifically to cater to those of diminutive stature.
  At their arrival they're greeted by a friendly yet confused bartender who cranes his neck to look at the giants that have just strolled in to his establishment. At a table near the back the party spots their employer. Curly chestnut brown hair, gaudy purple robes with her head buried in a tome half her size, the half long introduces herself as Professor Winsome Landy scholar of arcane archeology. Both Olli and Ernie were extremely taken by her and immediately an upspoken competition began. The professor, oblivious to most social cues, begins to explain her request of the party.
A Great Find
Client: Professor Landy, archeologist
Type: Protection, Delivery
Comment: My team in the mountains to the east have an artifact that we need brought back to civilization
Reward: Discuss with Professor Landy for payment, but it will be appropriate
— Small quest board note

The professor has been working with her team for almost 3 years in this region studying the elvish death cult known as Namma Herumorva. Their research led them to a temple in the Yuma Mountains to the east just north of Havel's Cross. She was back in Talbet picking up some supplies for the team when the lead researcher of her team sent her a message through a scroll of sending stating that they have found an artifact at their dig site and for the professor to hire a group to escort it back to town. She is prepared to pay the party well offering 500gp, a discretionary fund from the Mage's College, to split how they see fit. Eager for their payday that party sets out for Havel's Cross.
  The journey across the golden plains of the Wolfpine region is unremarkable, which is maybe why Xorn felt the need to spice things up with a bit of Web. After a day and half of travel the party arrives at Havel's Cross Inn, but something seems to be wrong. The Havel's Cross Inn looked like the architect had taken the first floor of a military fort and slapped an inn on top of it. The first story was stone all the way around with arrow slits for windows, and big steel door that remained barred shut and the armed guard only opened the door for travelers. The second and third floors looked more like a typical inn than the rest of the structure.
  The inn before them now had smoke streaming from the smoldering remains of the stable out back, and the steel door was ajar barely still on it's hinges. Cautiously the party investigated and spied a group of goblins and the brigand known as Rhezok their Hobgoblin leader ransacking the inn. Instead of a head on approach Ernie and Xorn circled around and found a back entrance, and surrounded the brigands before erupting into a brawl. After a few goblin casualties and Rhezok laying in deaths door the brigands surrendered to the mercy of the party. They relented and assumed an interrogation role filling in few useful details. Rhezok and his group saw the fire last night, and come morning decided to investigate. They found a wide open door and bodies about and so they decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth. After investigating the inn and the bodies the party noticed something odd. Most of the corpses had been chewed on by something with human teeth except the doorman. His skull was caved in, but that was the only obvious sign of damage. The party decided to let the group go provided that they hear nothing of future exploits from them and with that hiked off to the dig site.
  After a few hours of hiking through the mountainous terrain a small temple looms in the distance. The lantern out front is extinguished and fearing the worst Landy rushed forward only to stopped by the party. Cautiously they entered the stone building and we're set up on by ghouls immediately. After the ensuing battle one by one Landy confirmed that each if the ghouls were in fact her former team.
  Locating a secret passage that led down into the depths of the earth the party again set for the, against their better judgement. In the room below they found Calador, a blubbering mess who threw himself at the party thanking them for their rescue. However they became suspicious when many parts of his story weren't adding up, when suddenly the femur in his hand began to glow and he attacked the party. Bringing forth 2 ghouls to assist Calador showed his true form, a twisted and gnarled version of his former self. The battle came to an end once the party destroyed the bone laying Calador to rest for good. Empty handed the party returned to to Talbet and last saw Professor Landy at the Spring Shoot pensively staring into her empty glass of ale.

Rewards Granted

  • 500gp split
  • Jade/Amethyst Ring (Psychic/Poison)
  • Warhammer
  • Chain Shirt
  • Random crafting supplies

Character(s) interacted with

Greta, Winsome Landy, Calador, Rhezok the Hobgoblin Bandit
Report Date
26 May 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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