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Unexpected Meetings

General Summary

9th of Tyr, 636 GE
Guided back to the main road by a winged kobold named Kit the party arrived back in Mire's Edge with good news in tow, and made straight for the Ordelbrandt Manor. Rutherford Ordlebrandt greeted the party , surprised to see them return so soon, but after hearing their tale his shock turned to admiration. He upheld his part of the deal, even sweetening the deal by giving the party his prized sword as thanks, and offered to put in a word with the guild on their behalf. And of course, paying for their transportation back.
  Thankful and flush with gold the party left, stopping by Whippoorwill for payment, before meeting with Gakri once again who took the party north to Cruce. There they met with their carriage driver, a kindly, if not a bit rural elf who goes by the name Thompson. This gentlemen took the group the rest of the way north to Talbet, and the following events are from his account.   12th of Tyr, 636 GE
"They seemed like good folk, adventurer's y'know. They help keep things peacful and make some coin while they're at it, ain't gonna hold it against them. So there we were, a few days in, it was night time of course, only time fit for an ambush y'know, and swooping down outta nowhere this big ol hawk comes and tears out my neck, see?" He pauses for a moment to show me a jagged set of scars across his neck. Indeed this would have been an agonizing death. "So there I am spitting up blood all over myself when the old woman, oh wass her name, Naveah? Layed her hand on me and boom good as new, 'cept I was still spittin out blood. But they all jumped into action. We were surrounded by animals, animals that ain't belong together, owlbear and a spider workin wit a axebeak, it ain't natural. So anyway they all jump in and its a big to do. That big fellow, Olli even beat down the Owlbear with his bare hands, that boy is what you call farm tough. Anyway when it was over all them animals changed into people, or back inta people, I dunno. There was some questions but I wasn't really conscious too much for that. When I woke up we gathered up our shit and made straight for Talbet. I just thank the Blackshot that it wasn't my time, y'know?"   The party was not as forthcoming about the events of that night, but what I was able to find out was that they refered to Fenumiel as "Mother", they were infact all Eladrin (Whether this was coincidence or not is unknown), and they were searching for the Henet. This item they rightly believed to be in the group's possession was infact the very silver disc they had retrieved some months back for Chariz Shadowmane.   14th of Tyr, 636 GE
Arriving back in Talbet after a harrowing journey the group immeadiatly made for Khaya's. Once there they set up a meeting with Chariz Shadowmane and another ally, Oakbrow in an attempt to relay the information they had learned and to form a plan.
Many miles away in a hidden copse of trees their meeting took place. The party, Chariz Shadowmane, Oakbrow, and Khaya Owens. They discussed many things amongst themselves:
  • Chariz' history and his mysterious departure of the Myrdin kingdom of which he assured Ernie that his only loyalty was to Myrehall.
  • The true nature of the silver disc known as the Henet. A mysterious disc with strong divination magic tied to it.
  • And more of the history of Ranyinde now known as Fenumiel, right hand of Nox.
  • The ambush the party repelled only days ago
Eventually a decision was made that the party would depart for Lakeshore in the hopes that an old employer, Professor Winsome Landy would have more knowledge of the cult Namma Herumorva and information about the Henet. The Henet would stay in Chariz' possession for safe keeping, Oakbrow would continue to monitor the forest, and Khaya would remain in Talbet. With their respective tasks the group departed with new goals in mind.

Character(s) interacted with

Kit Blackclaw, Whippoorwill, Rutherly Ordelbrandt, Gakri, Thompson, Tamelin, Oakbrow, Chariz Shadowmane, Khaya Owens
Report Date
02 Jul 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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