Excidium Dragonscale

Excidium Dragonscale (a.k.a. Exci, Dragon Lizard)

Excidium is a mostly laid back Iruxi that has a large distrust for all deities due to his life and old tribe before he was pulled through the portal. He is fairly open minded about his distrust and is willing to listen to others to expand the little knowledge he has. He also has little tolerance for people that take what they have for granted or for those that would steal from those in need. He is not very flexible on that front. He loves to hunt especially when it is for food.   Excidium is a fairly tall Iruxi at a height just a little under eight feet tall with grey and black scales. He wields a composite shortbow and wears half plate. He is a fairly odd looking iruxi with long ears and fairly long neck spikes. He appears very dexterous while still very strong. Looking at his eyes one could easily tell that he has been through some extremely harsh or bad times earlier in his life.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Very fit, strong, well maintained body, long neck spikes and long ears

Body Features

Long ears, draconic muzzle, long neck spikes.

Facial Features

Draconic muzzle, strong brow, troubled past filled eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

Gray scales along front and black scales along back and rest of the body

Physical quirks

Occasional strong stomach pains leftover from past life of death by starvation, inability to eat a lot of food.

Apparel & Accessories

Half-Plate armor, Composite Bow made from animal horn.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Excidium is happy to share that he was hatched on a lonely small tribalistic island in Golarion, where humans and iruxi lived together. This tribe housed and nourished its bloodline that had a strong connection to a dragon that originally saved their tribe during a hardship. This tribe was wiped out by a tsunami and the few survivors all slowly and painfully starved to death, including himself.


No real education besides stories passed down in the tribe and what was given by passing sailors.


Forager and Hunter

Accomplishments & Achievements

Was first place in a hunting rite of passage into adulthood before the tsunami.

Failures & Embarrassments

Promised the survivors of his tribe after the tsunami that they would get through this until the dragon they worshiped returned to save them once again. He failed that promise.

Mental Trauma

Seeing the hundreds of deaths to the surprise tsunami

Intellectual Characteristics

Has trouble with complicated subjects due to his lack of a true education besides his well maintained study of archery and survival tactics.

Morality & Philosophy

Fairly communist in his philosophy besides his belief of those within able to keep their own personal belongings. Thinks the general populace should be pretty strictly educated in the importance of keeping order and law between its members to avoid collapse and forced survival.


  • overindulgence in anything, 
  • eating lavishly, 
  • usage of luxuries especially during difficult times.

Personality Characteristics


To Survive and make something out of this new life, and to find out why he was chosen to come and why he was spared from eternal death.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • powerful strength
  • High dexterity
  • very skilled at intimidating
  • survival knowledge/tactics,
  •  knowledge of common animals and common flora
  • Not very intelligent
  • not extremely wise

Likes & Dislikes

  • Rationing meals, 
  • being clean and organized with your environment while respecting it and nurturing it
  • Dislikes:
  • Overindulgence, 
  • disorganization, 
  • being too quick to action, 
  • disharmony, 
  • arguing
  • Hygiene

    Mostly keeps a survivalist/ island tribalistic mindset when it comes to hygiene.


    Contacts & Relations

    Friends with the Hellknights while considering joining them, currently no personal relationships otherwise.


    Tends to move his hands a lot whilst talking.


    Keeps a clean well spoken common, his Iruxi on the other hand tends to be simpler and often refers to himself in the 3rd person during that language usage.
    Current Status
    Survive and teach others how to properly survive so we all get through this, while warning others of the harsh reality that is starvation if not properly controlled.
    Current Location
    Yellow-Gold, Reptilian Slitted
    Long draconic neck spikes
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Black and Gray scales
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    “Ration that. starvation sucks… trust me…”  “Clear the firing line or risk being shot!”
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations
    Known Languages
    • Common,
    • Iruxi
    Ruled Locations


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