The Heroes

The heroes are a group of individuals pulled from many different universes, times and places by the Onyx Dragon, now known as the The Obsidian Dragon after it was petrified by Kohanke - Creation & Destruction . They currently reside at The Acropolis.   The heroes are also called the Font Tribe, Soul Chosen, and Star Fallen.


The heroes are currently a loose group with no official overarching organizational structure other than the occasional co-operation of going out to explore the city looking for food and supplies.


Currently the group is getting to know each other and seems intent on cooperation and survival. Food is communially harvested in expeditions and shared freely among the group. No current use of currency is needed.

Public Agenda

The group is primarily attempting to settle into their new world. They are studying the Crystals that have begun popping up and also trying to heed the warning of the Dragon that pulled them through that the place they are at is Destroying itself.


The group currently has a small stock pile of food, five fruit trees, one walnut tree, and a small scrape pile of metal.  They are in a highly defensible position in the font. They have a small number of tents and one medical tent.


The group was pulled through various portals that called to them and landed on the font in front of a larger dragon. The Dragon seemed thankful that "it worked" and seemed ready to explain. Before it could get much out though a huge Volcano on the horizon exploded.    Panicked the dragon turned, telling them that "This place is destroying itself" even as it turned into obsidian.  Now the adventurers have found themselves alone, stranded and with out much information.

Demography and Population

There are currently Twenty-eight Heroes that reside in the Font.   Ambrose Silversprout : A sprite Magus/Rouge. Darius Cole : A human Inventor/Wizard Tamako Sano : A kitsune Bard/Champion


The Heroes currently Occupy the Font in a makeshift and temporary camp that surrounds the crumbling ruins of the former occupants. They seek to colonize the new city.

Technological Level

The group is currently has very few technological advancements. They have fire, the items they brought with them, most of which are broken, and tents as shelter.

Agriculture & Industry

There is currently limited Agriculture on the Font, which consists of a small grove of six trees.


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