
Hound is not your traditional Orc. In the realm of Shadowrun's Earth the Oni is considered to be a metavarient of the Orc rather than simply a demon of Japanese mythology. Hound Is an Oni and as such he has a red skin tone, with short red horns, small protruding tusks/fangs, medium length messy black hair, and bright yellow eyes. Hound stands at 6'4", and has an athletic build.   Hound has a temper that runs hot, especially when he's stressed out. Although he's a little prickly on his exterior he quickly warms up to people. He's the kinda guy that will charge down a giant mutated bug shaman, or sneak aboard a high security Renraku freighter If it means he'll help his friend or his community. Most often you'll find Hound behind a bar, or in a kitchen. Cooking and serving drinks in the right atmosphere is Hounds favorite thing, it brings him a certain inner peace... Just don't question his cooking methods, and if offered take the burrito.
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