
Krokkin is a living weapon, and has the scars, and the physique, to prove it. A Hellknight to the core, seeing her out of Hellknight Plate is an oddity to the extreme. She is stern and stone-faced, etched with a near-permanent scowl by default across mottled teal skin. Like all hobgoblins, she has long arms, broad shoulders, a wide head, and prominent ears, with glittering crimson eyes beneath a naturally hairless scalp.   Krokkin never stops moving. A creature of progress, discipline, and determination, she does not relax upon success or languish amongst comfort- Success is merely a stepping stone towards the next goal, and comfort breeds weakness. She holds those around her to high standards, but none moreso than herself- What tool could preach perfection without striving for it oneself, after all? Bereft of emotional hindrances, she stoically does whatever is necessary for the greater prosperity of civilization, no matter what it takes- A grimly useful perspective when survival is on the line...
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