Rohks Hammertail

The most readily apparent thing about Rohks is his physical size. Standing at 4'10"and powerfully built, he contrasts sharply with the common image of his kind. Even for his people, Rohks' features are distinctly Dragonic and to his once-regal bearing, now tarnished with a blind eye, cracked horn, and many other wound-marks. Such battle scars mar the entirety Rohks' form, making his occupation- and experience at it -all too obvious. In the fading of his dull-red scales, slight creasing around his features and joints- or other subtle ways- one familiar with kobolds may read that Rohks is well into the latter half of his kinds expected lifespan; though if his age is any burden, Rohks has never shown it.   Rohks reads rather like stone: blunt, unchanging, and often somewhat cold; with the energy and ambition of youth long spent, then is a vague tiredness about the kobold- though only one sorely unfamiliar with him would mistake it for complacency. While he does not object to those seeking a deeper understanding, it is rare indeed that he encourage it; despite this impersonal nature, Rohks spares no effort when it comes to those he cares for or seeks to protect.
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