

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sheas is a tall well muscled Iruxi with spines down her back and along her thick tail.

Body Features

Sheas boasts a very impressive set of claws on both her hands and feet, and an equally impressive set of sharp teeth.

Facial Features

Broad plate armor like scales down her forehead.

Identifying Characteristics

Sheas has a unique scale pattern down her back and tail that appears to turn more orange in the sun.

Physical quirks

She is remarkably flexible, and is often seen sitting in impossible poses for long periods of time.

Apparel & Accessories

Sheas does not wear clothes typically. She does enjoy decorative things such as beads, feathers, and ribbons when not hunting or training.

Specialized Equipment

She can often be seen wearing a cloth bag slung across her back. If you listen closely sometimes it purrs.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Indiscernible to non-Iruxi


Bonded pair

Sheas is an imposing seven foot tall Iruxi female. She has blue-green scales that are slightly iridescent. Her gold eyes are intense and seem to miss nothing. She might look like she wants to eat you, but its just as likely that she is curious.

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Known Languages


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