Acquilina Breathen

Character designed by and belongs to Jacqueline Yang!

Acquilina Breathen (a.k.a. Lina)

Mixed Eluzian
Performing Troupe
16 years
Special Division
Special Support
Special Combatant
Midrange Combatant


Kanilwyr's Eye

Those with Kanilwyr's Eye are able to see truth, honesty and when someone is recalling a memory. This appears as either an aura radiating from the target or Lina can glean more specific information contained in these memories by staring into a target's eyes.
Ranalis' Manipulation

Using Ranalis' Manipulation, Lina is capable of feats of telekinesis and can even manipulate the functions of a target's nervous system. However, this ablity quickly eats up energy, especially telekinesis.

She can manipulate or direct people's thoughts and Mind Space far more easily, quite the subtle ability. A target can try to fight back and even access Lina's mind depending on their willpower or skill. With enough training, she is essentially capable of mind control but must have strong conviction to be successful.

Lina is a unit-mate of Sirius Cato, heir to one of the Ten Houses. She also collaborates with Sirius on his set design and lyrics when performing as Major Fox. Snarky and sarcastic, Lina often hangs around Sirius and other musically inclined recruits in their spare time. Despite not being a member of the Accian court, she easily goes toe to toe with those looking down on her for her simple background. She grew up travelling with a troupe of entertainers, moving from town to town across the Kingdom of Accia, and she greatly enjoys travel despite a hidden yearning for somewhere to belong. Underneath her sharp tongue, Lina simultaneously craves and fears deeper connection. It is Sirius' casual and undemanding nature which keeps her close to him while he enjoys her sharp wit - a skill he lacks and an ample weapon against his noble peers- as well as for her keen insight into a person's intentions. As Sirius is drawn closer to Unit Z909, pulling Lina along with him, kindred souls will test her defenses.

Combat Style

Lina's kaithur grants her a peculiar mix of abilities far more useful off the battlefield than on it. She is able to manipulate, alter and even shape the thoughts of targets and, in a pinch, even the functions of their nervous system. Not having had any military training before joining AMTP, Lina is still getting the hang of using her abilities in combat but the potential is frightful. When pushed into a corner, Lina can even exert telekinetic power though she usually uses it for mischief or convenience! Her second ability, Kanilwyr's Eye, allows Lina to see when targets are being honest or truthful, exposing itself in a variety of colors. She can also see glimpses of a target's memories as they flash through their mind by staring into their eyes. Overall, Lina can glean facts, memories, knowledge and the truth beyond any petty attempts at deception. She has always used this ability for her own social benefit, aiding her sharp tongue and keen insight. As a recruit, she is primarily being trained in interrogation within the Special Division.


Skin Tone
Cis Female
Warm Ivory
Brown and
Almond Shaped
Dark Brown,
Straight and Long

Lina has dark features and an average appearance, somewhat thin but not lithe. Average height. When her magic form is fully manifested, Lina's eyes become silver-white and almost reflective like a mirror with yellow caught in her pupils. Thin, delicate lines curl and weave about her face which are both white and pale yellow. Her yellow markings are most prevalent along her hands.


Lina grew up traveling from town to town, never really having a concrete home. She hadn't ever really minded that until she and her traveling group were forced by ill weather to stay in one place for longer than they had intended. In that town there was a sweet little romance between Lina and a local boy, just a crush really. Yet that boy left a lasting impact on Lina and when she had to leave, she found herself unfamiliarly sad--she had come to love that little town! There was comfort in taking her favorite trail into town to go to market and being able to find her favorite ingredients, in knowing she could fill her belly and know where she would sleep each and every night. That little crush made her want to find a place to stay for the first time. She had always wanted a family of her own but because her troupe had always been endlessly moving, she doesn't want to let them down or be left behind. And there are still some parts of her that don't want to settle down. She still wants to explore the land, the country. That was once her dream! It's because of these conflicting desires Lina is hesitant about getting into serious relationships, platonic or otherwise, because she's afraid they will force her to settle down and leave travelling behind forever.


The thought of getting real and vulnerable with someone is something that she genuinely wants but is scared to have. She had a friend once, in her traveling posse, and they did everything together. They were like siblings. When her friend left without her, it cut her deeply. They had made a pact to always stay together, as many friends do, and that left a lasting impact on her. It made her feel, no matter where they travelled, they had each other. Yet at the time, when her friend asked her to leave with them, she had thought they were joking. Why would they want to leave everything behind? When she wakes up one morning to find her friend is gone, she's almost heartbroken. It was several years later she meets her little crush from the town, not yet willing to open her heart again. She's still quite bitter towards her lost friend, questioning if fate will draw them together within the procession.


Lina is memorable for her sharp tongue and sarcastic wit, which is her personal sense of humor, but this is also a facade, an act to keep people away. The thing about her is that she wants to be free. She wants to explore and discover new places as she and her childhood friend had always talked about. But at the same time she also wants a place of her own and a family of her own. These contradictions still plague her when she meets Tia and her friends. At first she comes across as snarky and maybe even rude, but she eventually opens up and becomes vulnerable with one of Tia's unit-mates in particular. She comes to really trust them, sharing a little bit about her fears, her aspirations about settling down and her hesitancy in staying in one place for very long.



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Apr 30, 2023 04:42 by Jacqueline Yang

This is perfect.

Apr 30, 2023 04:48 by Lee Stepp

OH that's what I forgot! I never asked what you wanted her magic form to look like! She'll have markings on/around her eyes that can be either silver-white or even prismatic for Kanilwyr's Eye. Lemme know if you have any particular pattern/shape you'd prefer on that. As for Ranalis' Manipulation, these markings will be some shade of pale yellow. Generally manipulation markings are focused around the hands but really they can present anywhere depending on how you want her to use them. Like around her mouth/throat if she laces her power into her words, around her scalp if its done with her mind or hands if she uses gestures. However you want her to enact the ability. And again, they can be whatever pattern/shape you want. Just lemme know how you want this to look!

Apr 30, 2023 05:01 by Jacqueline Yang

For Kanilwyr's Eye silver-white is fine around her eyes. Ranalis' Manipulation I think would make sense around her scalp and maybe hands, depending on how she controls her telekinesis ability. But I think scalp would be fine, if you just need one place.

Apr 30, 2023 05:11 by Lee Stepp

It can be both. Did you have any particular patterns or shapes you wanted?

Apr 30, 2023 05:31 by Jacqueline Yang

umm, maybe just some simply swirls and curls. Something along the lines of this swirl pattern .

Apr 30, 2023 05:44 by Lee Stepp

Gotcha! She'll have a brief debut in chapter 15!

May 9, 2023 02:04 by Lee Stepp

I was thinking about her potential relations, friends or other kinds. Who she would connect with. I was considering having her lean towards Arabella at first but, as she gets to know everyone, I feel she has a LOT in common with Bolorbataar actually. Same wanderlust (his clan is nomadic) while simultaneously seeking community/somewhere to belong/tradition. Same having lost someone they were close to unexpectedly and has some hope/desire to find them again. He and this figure also dreamed of seeing the world together and her vacancy haunts him. And he wouldn't be immediately put off by her snark/sharp tongue as he is very accustomed to this from Longwei already. Idk whether or not a romance would bloom or not but I think whatever kind of relationship would be pretty organic between them. Let me know your thoughts on this direction!

May 9, 2023 02:11 by Jacqueline Yang

Honestly, as a discovery writer, I personally would just wing it and see what happens. If a romantic relationship starts to form then that's great. But I wouldn't force anything, if you feel like there's a spark, then let it happen. But just don't try to force anything. You know your characters and I'm sure you'll feel if something's off.   So, I'm pretty cool with any platonic or romantic relationships that may or may not happen.

May 9, 2023 02:18 by Lee Stepp

Gotcha. Like I said, I just saw a lot that they have in common and would vibe with. Growth that could happen as characters by interacting with each other. They are all side characters so there is only so much attention I can put on them (aside from writing extra content on the side). Just wanted to run it by you since its your character! I do the same for the person who made Euan (thought honestly he has taken on a life of his own! He's like a bolder version, as one might become with his specific background and abilities. Most of my characters take on their own personality as the story develop!).

May 9, 2023 02:23 by Jacqueline Yang

Yeah, I can absolutely understand that! I usually base characters off people as a guild line and then eventually by the end of the rough draft I'll know who they are. So, I am not necessarily expecting it, but I will not be surprised if Lina eventually finds her own way in this story.

May 9, 2023 02:32 by Lee Stepp

Yeah, hopefully I can integrate her naturally. I'll likely still ask you a few things here and there when I'm not sure her reaction. I have to constantly ask Euan's creator for jokes or nicknames >_> I am not a comedian by any means. I actually finished Lina's introductory scene and chapter 15 recently and MAN is it going to be a great chapter. Lots happening! I'm not particularly creative this week so I've mostly been doing editing, if anything at all. Still, I'm pretty proud of some of the upcoming scenes. I think/hope you'll enjoy her introduction, however brief a scene it is.

May 9, 2023 02:37 by Jacqueline Yang

I'm definitely looking forward to it!   And don't worry about not being a comedian. According to my writing teacher, comedy is the hardest things to write. But if you can master comedy, you can master just about anything else. But I'm confident you'll get their eventually.

May 9, 2023 02:40 by Lee Stepp

I have a dry sense of humor, very technical. Situational. A bit dark. Writing Euan has certainly helped! My sense of humor is very much like Duffs actually. The others call him an old man for that reason.

May 9, 2023 02:46 by Jacqueline Yang

Hey, I love dry senses of humor. Sarcasm, satire. That's my kind of thing, so I totally understand where you're coming from.

May 9, 2023 04:03 by Lee Stepp

OH that reminds me. I've started putting little headers/titles over sort of clusters of scenes on the chapters now. If you wanted to go back and read the scenes I've added which you haven't read they should be easier to find now (so you don't have to reread old stuff if you don't want to). Here are a few of the scenes I don't think you've seen or which have a big chunk added to them:   Eairdsidh, Chapter 2 (written because of one of your suggestions actually) Girls' Day Out, Chapter 3 (parts of this aren't new but a big chunk of it is among many alterations) Killer Technique, Chapter 5 (totally new, also one of your suggestions) Resonance, Chapter 8 (totally redone and plot important, very short scene) A Duke's Day, Chapter 10 (first half isn't totally new but the rest is)   Lastly, if you were to reread any chapter I'd suggest chapter 9. I have made a LOT of changes which reveal a bit more about how Tia's abilities work and how they affect her, much of which was by your suggestion.

May 9, 2023 04:07 by Jacqueline Yang

Aw, I'm glad that you've been using some of my suggestions. That means a lot, and is surprisingly quite a confidence booster. But I'll try and read them tomorrow. And, of course, once you're done with the story, I'll go back to the beginning and start rereading through it all, double checking scenes, dialogue, spelling, syntax, and things like that.

May 9, 2023 04:16 by Lee Stepp

I appreciate the feedback! I'm at the point with my writing where its the only way for me to improve. Your advice has been incredibly helpful! Even if I can't always employ it right away. It'll likely be a very different story by the time I finish it! But I'll let you know about new scenes I've add retrospectively. They tend not to be very long additions at the very least. Scenes I struggled with and go back to later mostly or little scenes you mention would be good additions (like Martin's backstory or Tia spending some time training with her fater in Eairsdsidh and Killer Technique). I also hope to write little one shots or spin offs later on. I can't always add everything I want into chapters or they wind up too long or the story drags on. If you'd ever like to see a specific adventure thats something like that let me know! It's a good exercise.

May 9, 2023 04:20 by Jacqueline Yang

Yeah, of course, if I come up with anything I'll let you know. I'm excited to read the rest of your story. I'm almost done with Chapter 12. I'm just combing through it one last time, and then I'll post my critique, but it's been pretty interesting so far.   I'm honestly super excited to finish! Speaking of which, how long are you planning on making this book, or really when are you planning on finishing it? Like an end date.

May 9, 2023 04:37 by Lee Stepp

I don't have anything number or date wise planned yet. I just have a general path planned for the plot and a most of the major scenes figured out. Some of which may change as things continue. Sometimes I get a good idea pop out of no where. But I'd say its about 1/3rd of the way through right now. Overall it kind of has arcs like an anime marked by either the locations they travel through or the overarching things going on. Some of the middle bits I'm still working out the details of. The character/relationship building and subplots which the story falls back on when everything hits the fan. I'm likely to continue putting out one if not two chapters a month unless I hit a major burnout.   Overall, they'll travel through northern Alkelbulan, into Luxis' Cradle and back through the Tenebrous Chain. Those are for sure and each area will likely get at least two chapters if not more. From there I'm still working out a few key details. Figuring how long the rest of the journey will last or if it will continue past a certain event or if I'll jump right into critical events. There will definitely be a major turn in the story at this stage but I may move it up further, I'm not totally decided yet. I had originally planned for them to cross the sea to Yaxiya and, unless I decide to shorten it/jump things along then they will. Either in Yaxiya or part of the way through another really critical event will take place which puts the final events of the first book into action. The point where everything changes in a sense. Those are actually far more planned out than the middle portion of the story itself! I'm just working out the journey to that point before I can write these final events. But once I finish up the middle bit the rest should flow together quickly and book one will come to a close.

May 9, 2023 12:17 by Jacqueline Yang

that always happens. The beginning and end is usually pretty fleshed out, only to have the middle just be a giant mess of something. So, don't worry about not having a middle part. I usually barely plan the middle part and just a few plot things they need to do, but then I'll try to double down on scenes for their character arcs.   Plots and things I'm not bad at. I can plan those and everything comes out fine. It's the character arcs that I always struggle with. Trying to make it obvious that they've changed by the end of the story. Of course, I know how to do it. I've just never done it correctly or executed it particularly well.