Eluzian Valley

This region in Eluziar is the beating heart of the Kingdom of Accia. It lies between two grand mountain ranges north to south, Ural'skaya Belt and Tenebrous Chain, and east and west between Hellas and Skaney. The capital city of Accia floats above the center of the valley, hovering in the air thanks to the enchantments of its creators, the Erlithmanil.

The valley itself consists of rolling hills and plains. Seemingly endless farmland and pasure is broken up only by branching rivers, rocky hummocks and paltry glades. Some of these rivers, branching from one central source, are even known to disappear beneath the land and re-emerge elsewhere. The primary river runs out of the Flumen Pontem, originating from the endless storms atop Skaney, but both mountain ranges further irrigate the valley. The climate is temperate, experiencing both smoldering summers and frigid winters. Still, the valley is mild in comparison to most extreme Emynean biomes. Perhaps what the valley is most known for is its soil. The valley is extremely fertile, its soils replenishing nutrients endlessly without need of crop rotation or fertilizer. This is a blessing from Ylithuum herself, the valley soils supplied by Oril's Plane. Meanwhile, the easternmost borders of the Eluzian Valley are a sheer drop to the ocean below, unforgiving cliffs overlooking the sea and depriving the land of sandy beaches and acting as a natural defense. Only the bay of Sicilia offers safe harbor to sailors, unless one is willing to brave southern, pirate-ridden shores!


Thanks to its fertile soils and mild climate, the valley has always been prized and squabbled over. Between its fertile soils and energy imbued waters from Skaney, they have always been an agricultural powerhouse. In fact, most of the valley is devoted purely to agriculture and animal husbandry. The valley was once ravaged by wars as nobility vied for control of territories and the serfs who work them--often to the detriment of the common citizen. This was especially the case in the wake of the Downfall of the Erlithmanil. With no gods to rule them, a power vacuum grew following the death of Accia Syltharis, the god-slayer. The Syltharis line, led off and on by Sylthari herself, retained the crown at times in name only. In fact, their matron became more distant or even absent the more this instability grew. As their celestial blood thinned, an Syltharian royal pulled together ten noble families still loyal to the crown, creating the Ten Houses and re-establishing the Kingdom of Accia. He did so in hopes that their matron would return to a more stable kingdom but she never did, even as they continued their conquest beyond the boundaries of the valley.


Many subgroups make up the larger Eluzian ethnic group, each having their own unique culture and language which vary by region. While the official language of the kingdom is the Accian Alphabet, many Accians are bilingual or even polylingual, speaking both Accian and their native tongue. Names in particular tend to lean towards endonyms and people are usually named according to their native traditions.

This article isn't quite finished yet!
Annie, Albert and I are hard at work adding and editing this article,
you can expect more here in the future!

Cover image: by Lee Stepp


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