Sirius Cato

Lord Sirius Cato (a.k.a. Major Fox)

Heir to
House Cato
16 years
Enhancement Division
Ranged Division
Special Support
Full Ranged Combatant


Sonildaz's Will
With Sonildaz's Will, Sirius can produce sound or music which amplifies the kaithur of others upon being heard or extend this effect into sounds already present. This can either add to their energy or empower their abilities.
Sonildaz's Aura
Sonildaz's Aura allows Sirius to generate or summon sounds or vibrations, even creating his own new sounds--anything he can imagine. He can generate these sounds anywhere within a given distance or emanate them from himself as though he were a speaker, controlling them with gestures. He can also control the volume, emitting sound as both a distraction in battle and as a weapon at high volumes.

Sirius Cato
Sirius is the heir of the Cato House but most wouldn't guess this on appearances. Sirius is an extremely easygoing and creative person. People enjoy being around him so he is popular and friendly, going along with the flow. Despite this laid back demeanor, he is very passionate about his music and enjoys creating new sounds and tones and experimenting with ancient music styles using his aura.
However, because of his position as heir, he only performs this music in disguise and under the alias Major Fox. He will divert to classics while performing without disguise, watering down his music depending on the audience. He has a cult following as Fox and Albert Monet is one of his biggest fans.

His kaithur isn't as directly useful for battle as his peers and Sirius focuses on support instead. He is able to generate any sound he can imagine, often using it to distract, confuse or mislead opponents. He can also craft deafening blasts or otherwise debilitating noises in a pinch. His second blessing allows him to boost the kaithur of his allies using sound, exactly like Albert. He's not very combative by nature but has been well trained for when the need arrives.


Sirius Cartoon

Cis Male
190 lbs
Skin Tone
Rosy Ivory
Short and Brown

Sirius is tall and lithe with a handsome face but otherwise average appearance. His magic form is also very subtle compared to many others, gaining teal markings across his body, especially his hands and throat. He doesn't regularly display it as his peers do.

Friends and Allies

Despite his popularity, Sirius feels misunderstood and has a tendency to put the comfort of others before his own. He isn't very keen on living up to the expectations of his position and secretly hopes his House is replaced by another so he can live his life his way—he simply refuses to be the reason. Sirius spends his downtime with either Florio Espina, Aldric Syltharis, Karl Anker and Faustin Aydem or with his fellow performers, when he can get away with it. Only these few friends know about his secret identity, including his unit-mate Acquilina Breathen.


Albert Monet

Sirius is distinctly gay but, because of his role as House Heir, he keeps this as a dire secret. He feels if he were found out, it may weaken his family's position if not be the final push out the door. Whether due to his position, his handsome face or his laid back personality, Sirius is sought after as a lover. He isn't nearly as romantically transient as Danut Cel Tradat, as he is forced to keep his relationships secret, but he has a tendency to go from relationship to relationship--especially when they get serious. Few hold his interest or affection for very long. That is, until he meets Albert Monet. While Albert himself isn't very confident, Sirius becomes infatuated with Albert to the point it frightens him, calling him Bertie or his cherub. Despite their fervent attraction to each other, the road forward isn't smooth for either teen, especially between Albert's mistrust of nobility and Sirius' paranoia of being found out.



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