Arabella Brunner

16 years
Control Division
Ranged Division
Control Support
Full Ranged Combatant
Hand Mace

Rylmer's Aura

With Rylmer's Aura, Arabella is able to summon thunderstorms from Rylmer's Plane, bringing to life rain, wind and even lightning! She is also immune to any damage, hindrance or discomfort amid her own or natural thunderstorms including being immune to electricity.
Rylmer's Manipulation

Rylmer's Manipulation allows Arabella to manipulate, reshape and control thunderstorms present in her environment. She can control the intensity and direct or redirect wind, rain and lightning whether this is parting the rain, blasting an opponent with wind or calling down lightning. She can choose to attract or repel these effects.

While Arabella comes from a nondescript, average farming village of the Eluzian Valley, this stormy girl is anything but ordinary! As the control support for Unit Z909, Arabella summons and directs storms amid the battlefield, bringing their moniker storm unit to life. She is a young woman who lives unfettered by embarrassment, regret or conformity, boldly living her life in her own way--a way of life which often gets her into trouble. Arabella was originally on another unit but was reassigned to Z909 after she was caught fooling around with a noble girl. Despite being so vocal in her dislike of nobility, she has a peculiar habit of pursuing girls with this background!

Arabella actually makes a wonderful addition to the storm unit. She is able to summon and direct squalling thunderstorms and even calling down lightning! She was heavily discouraged from using lightning in her home village and is thrilled to finally explore what she is capable of. She enjoys the chaos and power of these storms, which are thankfully helpful to her unit-mates. Wulong for one can move freely by stepping on the rain and Brynjar can Charge himself with her lightning. Most members of the unit have some kind of resistance or immunity to the effects she summons but enemies are often unsettled by the choas of fighting in a thunderstorm, especially as Arabella guides violent winds and horrific lightning at her enemies! Yet unlike most control supports, Arabella doesn't shy away from battle herself, extremely handy with her maces!


Cis Female
Skin Tone
Ginger and
Rosy Porcelain

Arabella is thickset, broadly built and buxom with lengthy ginger hair resembling the color of sunset. Power hangs in her amber eyes, Arabella naturally confident, warm yet brutal. She is neither thin nor dainty yet her beauty is as radiant as she is fierce! In her magic form, it appears as though cracks form along her hands and up to her shoulders, lightning seeming to flicker from underneath her skin alongside running water which actually drips from her arms!


Arabella was born into a simple farming village in the western reaches of the Eluzian Valley, born into the life of a serf. Her mother has the ability to summon rain, a highly valued skill in their community, their household more stable than that of their neighbors--but not by much. Arabella instead summons thunderstorms and has been discouraged from using her ability to its fullest, seen as harmful and unpredictable, especially critical of her lightning. After all, storms and lightning go hand in hand with the Storm Viking which are the bane of these simple farmers. In fact, Arabella's mother had her conceal what she was capable of, afraid the other villagers might assume she had Ostmen blood! After all, no one knows who her father is, not even Arabella.

Arabella detests her life as a serf, always feeling she deserves more especially given the power she has been forced to stifle. Under the administration of the Chevalier, she had seen her fair share of starvation, corruption and poverty amid her neighbors even if she and her family did well for themselves. Few have a sharper tongue for the nobility, Arabella blaming them wholeheartedly for her losses. She has dreamed of recruitment all her life, practicing and training at any opportunity. While her skills can't compare to nobles, who have had full access to combat tutors, she hopes she might carve out a better future for herself. She claims her goals are to gain an artisan apprenticeship, a governing position or the like, planning to squeeze AMTP for all she can. But regardless of how things change, she refuses to sacrifice who she is in the process, especially in regards to romance, or to stifle her power ever again.


Strong, brazen and confident, Arabella scorns social norms and enjoys stirring up chaos. Simultaneously, she can be incredibly inclusive, affectionate and nurturing to her chosen friends. Acting as a mother hen, she is both protective and encouraging. That isn't to say she isn't afraid of calling out their faults, harshly criticizing anyone and everyone! While she may seem unpredictable, she sticks to her values, loyalty, honesty and strength acting as her moral compass. Her greatest shortcomings are her poor boundaries, draining demands and a lack of tact.

Friends and Allies

Arabella thoroughly enjoys both romance and battle, being a polyamorous lesbian. She makes no efforts to hide or stifle her preferences, known for being vulgar and resistant to anything she views as misogynistic. She can be somewhat pushy but enjoys giving advice and educating her friends on positive sexual health and female empowerment. She strides forward as an example to those not quite as confident and flirts brazenly with any girl who catches her eye, especially clueless nobles. She finds herself in trouble because of her brazen prediclections, which is how she found herself reassigned to Unit Z909. Yet Arabella refuses to let them dead-end her, to let anyone stifle her any longer.


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