
One of the Ten Houses of the Kingdom of Accia but their position is considerably under threat. Their family is famous for having a mix of Rithaldis' Blade and Maralith abilities, especially Manipulation and Aura. The combination of these abilities have produced legendary cavalrymen throughout the kingdom's history. The family itself controls much of Alkelbulan but originally hails from the western end of the Eluzian Valley.

The Chevalier were particularly of aid to the kingdom during the kingdom's expansion throughout Alkelbulan. They were once one of the most influential houses but this has degraded and all but fallen apart during the time of this tale. Between the rise of the Minx House during the Yaxiyan campaign and Evelyn Minx bringing attention to their maltreatment of beasts through her charities and Beast Keeper organization, the Chevalier have come under harsh criticism. In addition to this, their house has suffered under a significant scandal involving the kingdom's primary adversary, the Huntsman. Amid all of this, Duke Chevalier has even lost his position as General of the Mobile Division to Nia Samrawit, she and her family in the perfect position to steal the Duchy. This has left those of the Chevalier ambitious to prove their worth and save their position. Ambitious and desperate. Plenty are poised for them to fall, particularly the Minx and Scylla Houses who have always been less than pleased with their maltreatment of their beasts.

The Chevalier originate from the western territories of the Eluzian Valley. They have always supported the Syltharian House but have also been quite underhanded throughout the kingdom's history. They possess the largest swaths of fertile valley farmland, whether these are used for agriculture or animal husbandry. Thy work their peasantry tirelessly, despite frequent attacks by the Storm Vikings of the Fulgurant Mesa on their western border. Once, they were heroic defenders of these farming villagers but, as their attention shifted to court at the re-founding of the kingdom, they have neglected these duties. The kingdom long overlooked their maltreatment of both their serfs and the beasts they were famous for taming but, thanks to the efforts of those who care for and respect beasts and especially thanks to Evelyn Minx's efforts, more light has been shined on these malpractices and far more criticism. Everyone is holding their breath to see if their heir, Leon Chevalier, might redeem his house or if his more ambitious cousin, Orin Philippe is the man for the task.

Geopolitical, Duchy
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

This article isn't quite finished yet! Annie, Albert and I are hard at work adding and editing this article, you can expect more here in the future!


This is a far more open rivalry/competition as both of these region compete with each other in regard to animal husbandry. The Espina House has a love for and claim to raising the best horses, stepping on the toes of the Chevalier which claim to be the ultimate beast handlers, especially mammals. However, their other agricultural interests don't tend to align, the Espina focusing on medicinal herbs and flowers over other product. Either way, their relationship has only become more tenuous as the Chevalier's animal abuse has received more attention, earning the ire of the Espina as well as the Scylla.


Dowager Duchess Evelyn Minx has exposed the maltreatment/malpractice in beast taming of the Chevalier family and funds an organization, as well as a number of charities, that are akin to animal rights which oppose these practices. This has been one of a number of detriments to the Chevalier family which is hurting their position. This exposure has led the Scylla to oppose the Chevalier as well. Despite this, Leon Chevalier is looking to "bridge" this and count Tia as an ally though in reality, he just hopes to use her and her political inexperience to his advantage by having his cousin Orin marry into the family and control her.


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