
Bolorbataar (a.k.a. Bolor)

16 years
Ranged Division
Full Ranged Combatant
(Composite Reflex)
Battle Axe

Iska's Manipulation
With Iska's Manipulation, Bolor is able to manipulate, attract, repel and reshape ice or cold temperatures present in his environment. He seems able to manipulate ice telekinetically but will also make a motion like drawing a bow before hurling ice at foes. He is able to launch and finely adjust the pathing of his icy projectiles, making his attacks difficult to avoid and unpredictable.
Iska's Blade
Those with Iska's Blade can generate, craft or summon blades of ice. It is easier if there is already moisture in his environment, eating up less energy. Bolor can craft an array of weapons but is most partial to glazing his arrows in ice, creating ice spikes as projectiles or making axes out of ice.

Bolorbataar was deeply entrenched in the customs and traditions of his people for most of his life. He loves his kin deeply and highly values community and comradery. He is jarred by the sudden shift of his life, being forced to leave his clan and being assaulted on all sides to accept and conform to Accian tradition, but Bolor was also eager to begin recruitment in order to find someone important to him who had never returned from service. Bolor struggles to learn the Accian language, both speaking and writing as his people preferred to pass down history through oral tradition and song. It is this and his refusal to conform to Accian social norms which resulted in his placement into Unit Z909 or the Reject Unit.
One might never guess he misses his old lifestyle so sorely as the majority of the time, Bolor is amiable and boisterous with a ready smile equipped. His language barrier limits his ability to form relationships at first but his persistent kindness and generous nature eventually breaks through. However, Bolor will need to learn to respect and recognize the validity of traditions outside of his own too.

Unexpectedly, Bolor is the first to recognize and respect Zhou Longwei as a male. Despite otherwise possessing traditional views and values, Longwei reminds him of Gan in many ways. Gan had always chafed under the expectations within their family for her to act a certain way and prepare herself for marriage. This familiarity bridged the gap between them and, after spending time with him, it became clear to Bolor that Longwei's claims were legitimate. Bolor and Longwei became fast friends and Longwei took the time to learn Bolor's language. As the two seem to be polar opposites those around them are surprised by their friendship. Some take to calling Longwei Bolor's "girlfriend" but Bolor brushes off or ignores these suggestions, encouraging Longwei to do the same.

Combat Style

Despite Bolor's stout and sturdy build, he prefers fighting from mid-to-long range. He is still capable of fighting at close range, using icy battle axes or daggers. He is highly focused when he fights, growing silent and frigid despite greatly enjoying a good spar. He mainly uses his Blade ability to arm himself but will sometimes coat the edges of physical weapons with ice so he can manipulate them as needed. He crafts arrows or small, bladed spikes of ice and hurls them at enemies. But when preserving magic, he will coat just the head of his arrows with ice so he can guide its path as it flies.
When hurling ice at his enemies, he can control their trajectory with precision, making him a highly accurate and unpredictable ranged combatant. He can use his bow if needed but he will often instead make a motion as if he is drawing an invisible bow before sending his blades hurling at enemies. Bolor prefers to fight while mounted and Longwei has taken to allowing Bolor to do so from the back of Wulong. In exchange, Bolor brings back spoils from his regular hunt for Wulong!


Cis Male
170 lbs
Skin Tone
Dark Brown
Shaved and Braided
Ruddy Porcelain,
Tans Drastically

Bolor is stout and burly with an average height while his face is rounded with prominant features. While his skin tone is light, he will tan markedly darker very quickly. Portions of his scalp are shaved, leaving the remaining hair long and braided. He also has some traces of facial hair, most often on his chin or lip. In his magic form, arctic blue patterns cover his hands up to his elbows as if dusted with snow and a few stripes wrap his exposed scalp. He dresses traditionally for his culture, refusing to conform to Accian norms. Casually, he wears a practical deel but has a more decorative version for special occasions.

Friends and Allies

Bolor is extraordinarily amiable, boisterous and welcoming. He savors friendly company, comradery and community, caring deeply for those who grow close to him. Yet he doesn't immediately welcome their the new members of Unit Z909, mostly due to their unfamiliar customs and Longwei's hesitation toward their new allies. To most, Bolor seems overly friendly and generous upon first impression but has a tendency to brush off the customs of other cultures. Despite this, he is a comfort and unifying glue within any group once one makes it past the language barrier. When Longwei finally offers an unexpected olive branch to the unit, it is Bolor who puts the others most at ease. However, if one catches Bolor in the small moments when he feels no one is watching, his longing for home and for his beasts companion Khunbish is unmistakeable.


Bolorbataar is a member of a nomadic pastorialist clan in Mongol Uls. Because Zhongguo refers to this region as Menggu, the Kingdom of Accia has also adopted this name for his home. While he is an able shepherd, Bolorbataar's passion is hunting. He takes immense pride and joy using his abilities to hunt or fight while atop his trusted mount, Khunbish. Unfortunately, Bolor wasn't able to bring Khunbish upon recruitment as it wouldn't be able to withstand the warmer biomes of Emynea.
Gan Closeup

One particular member of his clan, Gan, taught him how to hunt and he admired her greatly as his mentor. They would often speak about seeing the rest of the world one day. When she left for service and never returned, Bolor was devastated. He has long awaited recruitment, hoping it will give him the opportunity to find or at least learn what had happened to his mentor. He hopes they can both return home after his service. He is eager to find her but, partially, he also looks forward to seeing more of the world.


Bolor still views the world through the lens of his lifestyle and culture, markedly generous, amiable and kind which is highly valued by his people alongside hospitality, brotherhood and mutual respect. He watches out for his group and, despite his traditional beliefs and values, is quick to respect those who don't fit the mold as long as they are trying to be true to themselves. Kindness, generosity and respect are his hallmarks so long as one doesn't fail to afford him the same. For this reason, he doesn't care for Orin who all but spits on his rules of hospitality time and time again.


Despite his friendly demeanor, Bolor puts up a stark barrier between himself and those are not Khalkh Monggolian which most fail to perceive. He is quick to dismiss outside beliefs as trivial or silly early on. In the beginning, the only thing that truly matters to him is Gan and his clan but, as he forms real friendships with those he first considered outsiders, this view is challenged and altered. Bolor opens up as they travel and he comes to enjoy the beauty and traditions of those places they visit, finding similarities between the heart of these new practices and his own. This becomes especially apparent to him thanks to the ties forged between him and his unit-mates!

Bolor has many superstitions and traditions he isn't willing to give up or stifle regardless of the kingdom's efforts to assimilate him. This has him marked as uncooperative by administrators and is the reason he has been placed into Unit Z909. Some of his taboos include touching people with his feet, refusal of certain hospitalities, whistling indoors and other various Khalkh Mongol cultural taboos. Furthering the divide between Bolor and his peers, he speaks with a strong accent most Accians struggle to understand. He had never needed to learn Accian until recently. He did know bits and pieces of Huaren, his clan often trading with Huaren merchants, but both written and spoken Accian has remained a challenge for Bolor.



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