Zhou Longwei

Zhou Clan
16 years
Mobile Support
Close-to-Mid Combatant
Halberds and Glaives
(Moon and Spear Halberd)
(Han Sha)
(Hook and Blade Glaive)
Character | Jul 3, 2024

Vapri's Breath
Using Vapri's Breath, Longwei can exhale water vapors, controlling both the pressure and temperature, and create thick fog, gentle mist or even scalding steam. He can also inhale to dispell water vapors like fog or mist with his breath and is unaffected by his vapors.
Vapri's Body
Thanks to Vapri's Body, Longwei can convert his entire body into water vapor. He can also abandon his human shape, merge with or travel along other vapors before reforming elsewhere. He cannot be harmed by wator vapors, regardless of whether these are magic, natural or how high their temperatures are. He can step on, move through and use water vapors as a solid foothold in this form too similar to a Movement manifestation.

However, if anything damages or alters his vapors this translates into lost flesh. Cooling lowers his body temperature and total evaporation can be deadly. Because he isn't a divine descendant, using these abilities can quickly eat up his energy so he must be careful of energy consumption.

Longwei toils endlessly to prove himself in a world which doesn't recognize him, whether by his peers or even his own family. Known for his short fuse and scalding temper, he is easily set off from having to constantly insist to others his gender identity. His anger can even become explosive, the pressure building much like his aspect. It was due to this anger, his insistence of his gender and his initially rudimentary combat skills that Longwei was placed onto the reject unit, Unit Z909. Until arriving at the valley compound, it was just he and Bolorbataar.
Bolor is the first human to ever recognize and respect Longwei as male while Longwei was one of the few to make an effort to learn Bolor's language, the two becoming fast friends. In fact, Longwei has a talent for learning languages which further fuels his sharp tongue.

The friendship between Bolor and Longwei came as a surprise and a peculiarity as Bolor and Longwei seem total opposites. Bolor is endlessly friendly, generous and coolheaded while Longwei is prickly, untrusting and hotheaded. Longwei also becomes frustrated when people call him Bolor's "girlfriend" but Bolor has become accustomed to disarming or redirected Longwei's anger to keep Longwei from getting into trouble. Despite their cultural differences, Longwei has come to enjoy some of Bolor's traditions, especially the inclusion into some of the more masculine traditions. Longwei and Tia Minx don't have a good start as Tia's confusion and social blunders unintentionally offend him. This oblivious, dense behavior and the history between their two families creates a barrier even as Tia comes to admire Longwei.

Combat Style

When fighting, Longwei prefers mid-ranged combat. He uses his vapor breath in tandem with halberds and glaives to burn and chip away at enemies. He favors the reach and defensive capabilities of the moon and spear halberd or hook and blade glaive, useful for disarming opponents. While he has sufficient dexterity, Longwei lacks the power for heavier weapons and tires easily. He also uses his Breath manifestation to add to Wulong and his own mobility, either of the pair capable of using water vapor as a solid foothold. When mounted, Longwei focuses on playing a supportive role as well as transporting Bolor into position for his ranged attacks. He is still able to use his Body manifestation to evade attacks but needs to be careful not to wear himself down too quickly. While he has great potential, Longwei still requires a lot of training to bring these skills to full capability and must be careful with his energy expenditure.


Trans Male
Skin Tone
Dark Brown
Black,Long and Fine
Rosy Porcelain

He has a small but athletic frame, slender and lean. His face is effeminate with sharp eyes and he keeps his black hair long, tying it up into a knot. He enjoys mixing Huaren and Accian fashion.

Zhou Longwei

Magic Form

Longwei's magic form stains his entire body dark slate blue, his mouth especially dark. Thanks to his familiar bond with Wulong, Longwei takes on a few characteristics of a Qinglong. These include yellow eyes, some azure scales, yellow antlers, white hair and a short draconic tail. As they strengthen their bond with each other, these characteristics grow but as Longwei isn't a divine descendant, his body cannot take on full characteristics like that of Wu Zetian.


Longwei is normally cool and composed, starkly contrasted by his anger when provoked. Longwei tends to listen quietly, observing those around him before giving sharp words. He can seem distant, not letting his emotions or thoughts show, but has a surprising playful side few have the privelage to enjoy. He also has an inner serenity and gentleness few are able to appreciate. Yet when Longwei is angry, this anger seems as if it could burst out at any moment. His intense glower, challenging posture and threatening demeanor would be intensely intimidating if not for his small stature. Longwei doesn't let this deter his attempts to intimidate and if he lashes out, it is sudden, intense and destructive. He also enjoys crafting creative insults, possessing an aptitude for language whether it is his own or another. In fact, he has already learned both Accian and Khalkha Monggolian while his first language is Huaren.

Despite Longwei's confidence in his gender identity, a lifetime of having to prove himself constantly has left him angry, bitter and understandably exhausted. He loses his temper in this regard easily. His small frame and feminine face are a source of insecurity and frustration for Longwei, dreaming of how he might have looked had he been born with a masculine body and, upon learning of Tia's abilities as a shape shifter, he becomes understandably jealous. Yet despite the practical ousting, he values his clan and strives to prove to them who he is. He loves his culture as well, revering the royal families. He is quick to show that immense respect to Wu Zetian and Shi Yang when he crosses paths with them.


Longwei was born into the Zhou clan which has guarded the royal palace of Zhongguo in Penglai Shan for generations—the same clan Allen Minx defeated at the end of his career. Longwei was born long after this defeat but carries the same dedication to regain the trust and reverence they lost. The Zhou still serve Si Xiang but this is a tenuous relationship with little faith. Longwei shares the clan's dream of redeeming themselves but his relationship with his kin is otherwise strained or even malicious.

The Zhou clan shares a symbiotic relationship with the Qinglong of Longu, the lake at the foot of Penglai Shan. This is a mysterious and sacred relationship in which a member of their clan is chosen by one of these revered dragons, becoming their familiar.
Wulong's Face
As it is with all magical pacts, this connection cannot be reversed. For unknown reasons, they will only choose male members of the Zhou to bond to while women act as attendants, priestesses and caretakers. This is why there was an upset when Longwei was chosen by the dragon Wulong, seemingly going against tradition.

Longwei had long insisted that he was male, ignored if not ridiculed by his kin. So when Wulong chose him it was one of the most validating moments of Longwei's life. Unfortunately, the clan was furious and aghast, feeling the pact was a massive mistake and a waste of one of their sacred dragons. Despite Longwei's requests, they never allowed him to train with the other warriors, even after being chosen. He would sneak his way into observing their training sessions and attempted to imitate them in private but his skills were shaky and incomplete at best. He was excited to join AMTP for its martial training but became disillusioned quickly at his less than preferential treatment and continued disregard for his identity. Despite his own cynicism, Longwei seeks to prove his worthiness and identity to his clan, to force them to acknowledge him by renewing and redeeming their clan in the eyes of the Si Xiang.


Wulong is a Qinglong, born and raised within Lake Longhu beneath Penglai Shan. She has been carefully attended to by the Zhou Clan and is fairly young, only recently reaching maturity. In fact, Longwei was once one of her attendants. As her parents were slain during the seige of Zhongguo, she was raised entirely by humans. Both Longwei and Wulong interacted often throughout their childhoods and some have pointed their finger towards this as the reason Longwei was chosen. Even before being chosen, Wulong and Longwei were very close. One could even say they were like siblings, Wulong fussy and standoffish towards any other attendant. Most Qinglong are mysterious and finicky but with Longwei, Wulong has always been extremely affectionate and playful. Both Longwei and Wulong care deeply for each other and watch out for the other. It isn't uncommon for Wulong to use Lothvem's Touch to calm Longwei when his temper gets the better of him. In fact, Wulong doesn't care for violence but will still protect Longwei fiercely which is why they play supportive roles in combat rather than cavalry.



Zhou Longwei


Towards Wulong




Towards Zhou Longwei



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