Orin Philippe

Lord Orin Philippe

House Chevalier
16 years
Infantry Division
Ranged Division
Special Division
Full Ranged Combatant
Special Support

Rithaldis' Blade
Using Rithaldis' Blade, Orin can generate blades consisting of intense photons and radiant energy as bladed weapons, Orin having trained to manifest swords, spears, crossbow bolts and even bows and arrows of variable sizes. These convert surrounding gases into plasma, creating radioactive plasma blades. There isn't much these can't pierce or sear through. Hotter or radioactive blades eat up energy more quickly.
Zithvek's Manipulation
Those with Zithvek's Manipulation can manipulate emotions or states related to Zithvek in those around them, if they are occurring. Zithvek involves emotions which stir the spirit including emotions of hatred, hostility, annoyance, disgust, dissonance and feelings of agitation, rage, anger, passion, impatience and need. Orin is very skilled in stirring and controlling these emotions without being noticed.

Orin Phillippe

Despite his charm and charisma, Orin is a very manipulative and ambitious nobleman. He judges those around him harshly though one would never guess it. He flirts incessantly with Tia Minx despite the open distaste of her friends. Many see his selfish ambitions in pursuing Tia, however, she proves far more endearing than he was prepared for. Orin is also very religious, as his mother was, believing in Luxis and the value of human life above all others. He judges the world around him considerably by these standards which either inspire those with similar views or rubs people the wrong way, his elitism occasionally exposed. He believes in Accia's superiority but is often disillusioned with royal family, wanting to redirect Accia towards "salvation". It takes some time for Tia to see him for who he is. Despite his beliefs and ego, Orin can be extremely charismatic and isn't afraid to use his good looks to his advantage. He is also far more intelligent than many assume.

Combat Style

Orin is a full-ranged combatant, utilizing his photon weapons at any distance! In battle he can be surprisingly bold and proactive as he has no protective magic, a best defense is an offense kind of fighter. His blades are capable of penetrating almost any defense with only a handful of exceptions, comprised of solar plasma, intense photons and are even radioactive. These weapons leave terrible burns which continue to ache and inflict radiation poisoning if he expends enough energy. Orin uses his mental kaithur to provoke and lure foes into making reckless decisions or to reinvigorate allies when morale is low. He works in subtle ways.


Cis Male
Skin Tone
Arctic Blue
Short and Auburn
Warm Ivory

Orin is handsome--a fact he is very aware of! In fact, Euan MacFheargus calls him Prince Charming thanks to both his looks and behavior. He often dresses in a way to show off his tall, lean body, unafraid of taking advantage of his appearance to manipulate women!

Orin Phillippe


His father once held the position of Marquis and Orin is a relative of the Chevalier family. He is in fact Leon Chevalier's cousin, Leon the acting heir of House Chevalier. However, Orin's father married down against the wishes of his House and he was demoted to Earl. Years later, as Orin was born, his parents were caught in a much larger scandal which further lowered his father's station to Baron. Orin is extremely bitter towards his father for his failures, this hatred furthered by his father's alcoholism. He is one of many children but he believes he is meant for greatness and intends to save his family by making his mark through military service and marrying up. Both Andrea and Leon recognize and admire his ambition, maintaining a friendship with him despite his station as the three of them share similar views and beliefs. Yet to Orin, his greatest embarassments are his father's alcoholism and his twin brother.


Orin Phillippe

Orin Phillippe, Intro
Orin is skilled in assessing the mental states of those around him and in manipulating certain emotions to his advantage, with his kaithur or otherwise. He readily pits people against each other just so he can play hero. He cannot generate emotions related to Zithvek, only manipulate what is there, so he has mastered the art of provoking others to give him something to work with. He is equally skilled, later on in his life, in motivating those around him wielding religion and fear.


Euan MacFheargus has taken to calling Orin Prince Charming and he has a reputation of being a player and status chaser, even seeming to practice his skills on those low on the social ladder. He is very experienced in charming and manipulating those who catch his attention.


Orin has suffered much abuse from his alcoholic father and his mother enabled this abuse to deflect it from herself. Orin and his twin are their mother's greatest embarrassment and while the two of them are separate people, both parents tend to treat them as if they were one in the same. Orin learned much of his own manipulative and abusive tendencies from his parents. He fails to see these tendencies as toxic and leans into them instead. He is as religious as he is because this was one of his tools for getting through the abuse alongside his ego and belief he is meant for more.

Orin Phillippe


Orin is motivated by his ambitions, beliefs and religious views. He seeks to validate his own ego and belief that he is meant for greatness. He believes only he can right the world in the interests of Luxis and guide the kingdom toward an optimal future. He also wants to redeem his family and find a away to make himself distinct from his twin brother.

Friends and Allies

Orin is the mid range combatant of unit Z909 but he has a surprisingly large social web at his fingers. He has dated or at the very least flirted with nearly every noble girl of the capital so much so that he has earned a reputation as a player--all the while refining his charm in order to marry up after service. He is also part of his cousin Leon's social circle which includes Andrea Stahlmann and Renard Foster. Yet his alliance with Leon remains tense and strange and he often outright bullies Renard!


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