Bridget MacDougal

Lady Bridget MacDougal

House Minx
16 years

Ranged Division
Control Division
Full Ranged Combatant
Control Support

Vokda's Aura

Vokda's Aura allows Bridget to generate or summon void directly from Vokda's Plane. While other void casters tend to be more aggressive and destructive with their magic, Bridget is only able to create void shield either to protect herself or her allies.
These shields repel physical matter, creating an impenetratable wall, and isn't visible to those without void magic. Only energy magic, such as light, can penetrate these shields. Bridget is also immune to void herself, magical or natural, and can actually see this usually invisible force.
Corrust's Manipulation

Corrust's Manipulation allows Bridget to manipulate and reshape explosions present in her environment as they are occurring. This includes their direction, intensity, shape, etc. Bridget does so by waving her hands or weapons around.

Bridget is a member of Unit C211, capable of playing both support and combative roles! While Bridget is small in stature she is equally lively in personality. She is protective of her allies and believes she is a skilled conversationalist, though most see right through her as she tries too hard. Yet while she is kind by nature, she's still a true child of the capital, falling prey wholeheartedly to prejudice and propoganda. She also keeps her true self hidden, not often letting others get close to her or to know the girl beneath her sunny facade.

Bridget has a unique fighting style, taking advantage of her ability to manipulate explosions and relying on void as an (almost) undetectable defense. She carries explosives and grenades into battle, able to manipulate their path, intensity or shape as they occur. She also alters the path of Euan's explosions to avoid their allies or, at times, Euan himself. She prefers fighting with a mace or club as well as a crossbow. In fact, her spunky personality tends to show itself most when she fights! She will switch back and forth between protecting her allies or covering their blind spots and wreaking havoc on her own.


Cis Female
130 lbs
Skin Tone
Soft Brown
Short, Fluffy
and Ginger
Rosy Ivory
and Freckled

Bridget is small and plump with short, fluffy ginger hair. Her faces is rounded and cute with endearing brown eyes, Bridget herself very expressive and energetic. She dresses very sporty and doesn't bother with armor thanks to her abilities. Her magic form manifests pitch black markings across her body, focusing around her hands and arms which also carry bright orange patterns.


Much like Euan, Bridget's mother was a bandit traded away to the kingdom for their autonomy. Her mother is also a mid-ranking member of the King's Shadows and Bridget is under pressure to join after service. Bridget is a relatively low ranking noble but doesn't seem very ambitious to climb the social ladder. She appears carefree, having a very positive opinion of the court and life in Accia. She doesn't look beyond the bright and shiny surface, more focused on going on adventures and having fun bouts with her friends.


Bridget is smarter than she lets on and isn't afraid to use her cute appearance to her advantage. She dislikes fights between friends and she believes she is very skilled at conversations, no one having the heart to tell her otherwise. She is sunny, spunky and energetic and always sees the best in the world around her. She also enjoys a good fight, finding joy in wreaking havoc with her explosions and protecting her allies. Competitive by nature, she has an obsession with winning!



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