Euan MacFheargus (Yew-ahn)

As seen in

Euan MacFheargus

Euan Challenge

Common, Ex-Bandit
18 years
Special Division
Mobile Division
Special Combatant
Mobile Support
Full Ranged Combatant
Kingdom of Accia
MacFheargus Bandit Clan
Accian Military Training Program
Unit C211
King's Shadows (uninitiated)

Azowyr's Step

Azowyr's Step is a rare ability which allows him to enter and exit Azowyr's Plane via portals and travel the plane freely. Portals are shadows present in the physical world large enough to fit through, the time it takes to pass through shorter the
darker the shadow is. Very pale shadows can only serve as windows, not portals. He shares in the abilities of Eye and Movement manifestations, capable of seeing in the dark and using shadows as a solid foothold. He can also bring others into the plane with him while maintaining contact and trap others inside. However, shadow magic can actually physically touch and restrain him, leaving him vulnerable to the whims of Azowyr when inside his domain.
Corrust's Touch

With Corrust's Touch, Euan can create bombs via touch that either blow up the material or the material acts as the epicenter of the blast, unharmed. He can set multiple "loads" and set them off from a distance, one by one or all at once. However, he must be careful with his energy consumption.
Unlike most kaithur, Euan can actually be harmed by his explosions if he isn't careful. As he continues his training, he is encouraged to utilize Material Magic to add extra effects to his blasts.

Euan is an active friend to Tia Minx, often instigating her temper and getting on her nerves. Their friendship develops into an almost sibling like relationship. While Tia and Aldric are skeptical of Euan in the beginning, he proves himself reliable and supports them when they need him the most. To Tia's surprise and relief, rather than shunning her when learning she is a shape shifter, he offers support and guidance in exchange for aid in his pranks and shenanigans.

Euan is amicable, coming and going from several social circles. He is naturally charismatic, fun-loving and comedic and runs by his own moral code. While loyal and compassionate he has little care for laws, rules or general social customs that don't serve him or his allies. He also tends to cross boundaries without second thought and uses his shadow stepping for mischief, snooping and personal gain. He is a man of many vices, particularly when it comes to women. Because of this, he is thrilled to join AMTP, surrounded by far more oportunities compared to his lifestyle as a bandit. He enjoys showing off to try and impress the women around him, sharing these efforts with and befriending Florio and Danut. The three of them get into many misadventures seeking female company.

Combat Style

Euan has a unique fighting style thanks to his particular Kaithur. He is able to travel in and out of Azowyr's Plane using shadows as portals. He is also able to load surfaces with explosive spells by touch and set them off from a distance. He uses his extreme mobility with these explosions to wreak havoc, popping in and out of the shadows. He will often load his own crossbow bolts with explosions or carry other, smaller items into battle to load as well.

When it comes to close combat, he prefers using long daggers, leaping in and out of shadows with rapid strikes. In the right environments or with allies who can summon shadows, such as his unit-mate Aisling Black, this can add up to a very effective form of combat. He can also act as an agent of infiltration, espionage, assassination and sabotage. His main weakness is in tiring himself out too quickly. Different explosives eat up various amounts of energy and if he fully depletes himself he is unable to use his Step magic either. Without access to shadows Euan is far less threatening and, unlike most kaithur, he can be harmed by his own explosives.


Euan MacFheargus

Cis Male
Skin Tone
Light Green
Ginger and Wavy
Rosy Alabaster

Euan is tall and broad shouldered, somewhat hairy and burly. Wavy ginger hair is slicked back at midlength, framing his broad face and light green eyes.
Euan's magic form is very visual. Charcoal gray swirls swallow his eyes, legs and arms up to his elbows. His eyes themselves become gray with black sclera and he gains bright orange flame patterns seemingly consuming his hands up to his wrists, contrasting the charcoal. These and his hair will light up triggering planted explosions!


Euan Smile

Yer talkin' about th' King's Shadows? I've got no loyalty t' th' king or his weird club!
— Euan laughs at the suggestion
Euan was once a bandit, his people longstanding Daoine natives of the Tenebrous Chain. In fact, he's the eldest son of Chief Hamish, head of the MacFheargus bandit clan. He was raised to one day take up his father's mantle but was instead offered up by the clan to the Kingdom of Accia after a botched kidnapping. Ironically, it was his uncle, General Martin Stahlmann, who captured them. He was once offered up to the kingdom in the same way.

Most bandit clans of the Tenebrous Chain have entered into a secret arrangement with the kingdom, offering up their best dark casters so that the rest of them can both evade military service and so the kingdom turns a blind eye to the bulk of their criminal activity. Dark casters are usually very rare and highly valued by Accian nobility, the king's secret society made up of these casters. When left undisturbed, Daoine bandit clans have a peculiarly high population of dark casters. For this reason, and to avoid runaways, these potential offerings are kept in the dark about the arrangement until they are too old for service. Unfortunately for Euan, he wasn't quite old enough to be overlooked. Martin holds far more anger towards the clan than Euan does. Unperturbed, Euan is instead excited for the new opportunities and adventures awaiting him!

Because of his rare ability, thought to have died out completely, the King's Shadows have taken particular interest in Euan since his arrival, trying to groom him to one day replace his uncle. Euan plays along for his own benefit but is far too independent and free-spirted to buy into this organization.


Social, crass, loyal, humorous, sarcastic, mischievous, flirty, invasive. Euan loves poking and prodding anyone and everyone, happy to test societal boundaries and get a rise out of those he finds amusing. He even teeters on the hedonistic, always on the lookout for fun and adventure. Yet he isn't entirely careless, actually quite deliberate in his choices. He has a marked distaste for nobility which exposes itself as his life becomes saturated with Accian politics, showing disgust at every ridiculous tradition and pretentious ideal. After all, he spent most of his life robbing, kidnapping and ransoming these people. He has respect for anyone brave enough to call things as they are which is one of many reasons he immediately hones in on Tia and Annie Nash.

Quick witted and sharp tongued, Euan always has something snappy to add, a joke waiting to be made and an aphorism on his tongue. He can be fearless and even reckless, unable to turn away from adventure or a poorly timed smarmy remark. He gladly takes from the wealthy or simply careless. A bit chaotic by nature, he enjoys culturing this chaos and freedom in the stuffy peers he encounters thanks to his new environment—teaching Tia, Danut and Florio to step out of their family's shadows and claim their independance!

Flaws and Vices

Euan has a number of vices he enjoys including women, alcohol and his addiction to larceny. He has entirely too much fun provoking anyone of station or anyone with a hot temper, regardless of the result. He can also be unabashedly vulgar and doesn't often apologize when he becomes too abrasive.

Euan greatly enjoys getting into mischief and using his abilities to mess with or even defy authority, nobility or anyone else who has earned it. He especially enjoys opportunities to rope others into his mischief, exuberant when he is able to drag Tia into his shenanigans. They become quite the enigmatic duo, Euan teaching Tia all he knows of planar travel for everything from pranking the snobby nobles bullying her to throwing off and terrorizing more serious forces who pursue Tia.


While Euan is compassionate at his core, thanks to his personal views of the world and upbringing in a bandit clan, he runs by his own moral code. It may seem complicated and unpredictable but it actually falls back on loyalty, respect for resourcefulness and a distaste for those who place themselves on a pedestal. He gladly steals from the stupid or wealthy, validating his own addiction to larceny. While he prefers using his shenanigans to knock snobs down a peg, he also isn't adverse to acting in his own self-interest or abusing his magic for personal gain. Every now and then he is split between his vices and his values--however short lived these conflicts are.
Euan Challenge

Oh I love rules, thir ma second favorite thing tae break!
— Euan cackles into her tirade


Euan Smirk

Weel yer bum's oot th' windae ye sleekit tattie!
— Euan rails off with a laugh

Euan speaks with a strong dialect common to Chain, to the Daoine people. His uncle has him taking classes to lessen it but Euan purposefully adjusts his speech depending on who he is talking to. When he is angry, tired or drunk he is more prone to this dialect and he enjoys using it to insult people without them understanding what has been said.


Friends and Allies

Euan MacFheargus

Due to Euan's social mobility and charisma, he cycles through a variety of relationships, sometimes even bringing together people from completely different circles! This will include those among Tia, Aldric and his own unit, helping to break through social barriers and roping his friends into unexpected adventures! However, he does have a way of pushing himself into groups where he is unwanted and is extremely verbal about his distaste for nobility, protocol and rules. Sometimes he pushes things too far and Tia is usually the one to pick up the pieces or knock sense into him. Yet despite all of his troublesome or invasive nosiness, self inserting himself wherever he pleases, he has his friends backs when they need him most and he can be surprisinly steadfast, even if it comes with an ill-timed or inappropriate joke!

As for Unit C211, Euan remains mostly distant and detached from his unit-mates—he has little respect for his arrogant and spoiled allies. They expect him to take up a role of leadership and responsibility but Euan is ever hesitant to be tied down. He especially doesn't care for Andrea or Danut, though Danut does eventually grow on him despite their bickering. It's easy for Euan to see the discoordination and hubris within his unit, uptight nobility who are well trained but lack real experience. Compared to the serious and often risky operations Euan and his kin regularly executed, he finds their arrangement silly and laughable. Like one big farse of a game puffing up their egos even further. Euan hopes that if he leaves them to their own devices to mature and inevitably face losses, it might just humble these spoiled brats.


Shi Yang Portrait 2

Euan is very romantically active, sometimes getting himself into trouble when he avoids committing to a monogamous relationship. Euan and Shi Yang see each other on and off but, despite his tendency to wander, Euan always gravitates back to Annie Nash. He especially drags Florio and Danut into mischief involving women, to the ire of Aldric!

"Yer asking me t' sneak in here every night?" Euan's voice deepens, an ardent grin igniting his face as he holds her eyes, "If 'at's what ye want we don't have to stop with taking samples," his lips drop into a sly smirk and he props his head up with his hand, "I could give ye th' whole thing!"
— Euan to Annie



Euan is the nephew of Martin Stahlmann and the son of Hamish MacFheargus, bandit chief. This also connects him to both the Stahlmann and Aquila Houses through political marriages of his uncles. Despite these familial connections, Euan has only just recently and briefly met his Accian cousins and uncles before joining the Accian Military Training Program alongside them. All are mostly still strangers to each other and he is certainly a black sheep among them. Despite Martin waiting until after service to officially adopt Euan as his own son, he has already drawn the jealousy of Ben, Martin's only heir. Like most everyone else, Euan doesn't take his cousin seriously.



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Sep 24, 2023 15:24 by Enoris Leinwand

This character is so complex and interesting to read about, I really enjoyed the reading ! All the illustration are amazing and really add to the mental picture I can form now. I find him very endearing and he makes me curious about his adventures !

Sep 24, 2023 16:27 by Lee Stepp

Yes he's probably one of my favorite characters once I started adding him in, always livens up a scene and adds some fun and mischief. I only hate I struggle to make good jokes and remarks for him!