Everett Allard

Lord Everett Allard

House Minx
16 years
Mobile Division
Infantry Division
Mobile Support
Close Combatant
War Hammer
Great Axe


Oksi's Slip

For thoe with Oksi's Slip, when activated any part of their body being interacted with will turn into gas, most physical matter passing through harmlessly. Because it is automatic, this gas will turn back into flesh as soon as contact ceases and only those parts being interacted with are converted. Materials passing through will behave as if interacting with gas. He can only maintain invulnerability for a given stretch of time, often turning it on and off mid battle. He also cannot interact with anything physically while this is active. He must turn it off to attack or interact with allies.
Gokrilvek's Strength

Casters who have Gokrilvek's Strength are capable of superhuman feats of strength and stamina fueled by their energy, returning to normal strength once exhausted.

Everett is one of the more cheerful members of his sometimes morose unit, Unit C211. He is a young man with a long fuse, tolerant and patient while still having an inclination to aid others. A man of simple values, he prizes family and tradition. He tries to encourage his allies and offer aid in battle wherever he is needed, a steadfast and adaptable ally.

Unlike most of his noble peers, Everett was raised fairly simply. His mother was common, originally from a mining community in Flumen Pontem, and married into lower nobility not by arrangement but for love. They met amid military service, his father falling hard for his compassionate mother, and they married without approval. This was overlooked solely for the potential kaithur of their children—which certainly paid off. His mother still raised him with a commoners traditions and values.
Some prejudices still leak through from time to time but this upbringing is part of what makes him such an amiable, supportive and laid back ally.

In battle, Everett uses his kaithur to render himself nearly invulnerable to physical attack while retaining superhuman strength and endurance. He can lift or sustain weights drastically heavier than he should at his size, freely moving about the battlefield without fear of injury and using his strength to move injured allies or deliver supplies. Outside of support roles, Everett devastates opponents with his slow but potent strikes from heavy weapons like great axes and war hammers. Yet he cannot remain invulnerable while attacking. He cannot interact with anything at all while Oksi's Slip is active but he has trained extensively to switch his form on and off almost seamlessly!


Cis Male
Skin Tone
Chocolate Brown and
Sky Blue
Short and
Light Brown
Warm Ivory

While Everett is tall and lean, he isn't particularly muscular or stocky. This is mostly because the strength his kaithur alots him makes it difficult for him to push himself enough to build up muscle. Everett's average appearance makes his super strength all the more surprising. He is also relatively handsome with brown hair and heterochromic eyes (brown and blue!). Since his eyes are blue in his magic form, an influence of Oksi, he activates this sometimes so that his eyes appear all blue. His magic form manifests a combination of walnut brown and turquoise markings all across his body.



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