Flumen Pontem

This region is defined by flowing water and elemental crystals. Tucked below Skaney, winding branches of rivers, canyon walls, and mines have been hewn into the friable stone of the mesa. There are many smaller communities spread throughout the complex, populated by simple shepherds or resilient miners, but the largest city lies within the heart of the canyon itself--Centrum. It acts as a central hub connecting the Eluzian Valley and Sesli Plato. Thanks to their ready supply of magic crystals and flourishing academic facilities, this city is a hub for mages and scholars alongside its sister city in Sesli Plato. In fact, infrastructures within the canyon are near modern thanks to their innovative, academic population!

Before the Kingdom of Accia was founded, a Hellenes-Quiris empire was the main power worshipping and serving under the Erlithmanil. When they fell, this empire fell with them and when the kingdom took their floating capital Accia those who resided within retreated to Flumen Pontem. While the Quiris culture of their cousins in the east faded that same culture has survived within the canyon. Two major families manage two very different aspects of this city as well. The Cato House is a patron of the arts and academia, continuing to innovate and better the structures and facilities within the canyon. The Aquila House focuses instead of the martial and physical wellbeing of citizens, patron of sports and the protectors from the Ostmen invaders above. While the Cato family owns all of the libraries and colleges it is the Aquila family who owns the crystal mines, combat academies and colloseum.


Rivers are the centerpiece in every branch of the complex, fed by cascading waterfalls spilling sporadically along the walls. The endless storms atop the Fulgurant Mesa produce an immense flow of water, some of this finding its way to the valley but far more to Musi Kongo in the south. Aquafers are built into canyon walls to direct these falls over the roadways while others flow more gently, gradually eating away at mesa stone over the centuries and crafting new branches. Another primary feature are the crystals which jut out from the mesa walls in an array of colors, sizes and even energies trapped within. Some of these are even prone to illuminating when life draws near. When the roaming clouds clear, sunlight gleams over and refracts through both the crystals and waterfalls, crafting a luminescent dance along the canyon walls. The walls themselves are pocked by various caves and tunnels, winged citizen making their homes inside or miners digging out the more valuable crystals within. All of this squeezes itself within the winding pathways of the complex and, of course, one could never forget the constant rumbling above, further past the rim. Sometimes, these rumbles vibrate the crystals and the canyon hums.


Hidden within the depths of the mesa is a wealth of magic gems and Elemental Crystals. All of the magic poured into the creation of the mesa during the Era of Legends has pocked the region with these unique deposits and more still form thanks to the energies raging atop it's surface. Locals mine these precious stones and mages have flocked to the location to make the best of these resources.

Tamadla Goat


Organisms living in Flumen Pontem make their homes along the precipitous canyon walls, many of them migratory or capable of flight. Yet there are also species that can scale these walls with magic! Tamadla Goat in particular are a popular domestic animal, often seen alongside their shepherds, munching on the leaves draping across canyon walls. Meanwhile, agricultural farming is sparse as, while the landscape overflows with water, the soil itself does not retain moisture. Erosion has a constant footprint, as inescapable as the rumbling thunderheads in Skaney above!


(I have 3 layers!!)
Skaney and Flumen Pontem
The basic layout of Skaney whether this is the Flumen Pontem weaving below, the Eldingfjord on its surface or the skyborne islands above.


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