Fiadh O'Sullivan

Lady Fiadh O'Sullivan

Fiadh O'Sullivan

House Minx
16 years
Ranged Division
Special Division
Full Ranged Combatant
Special Combatant

Felryth's Shadow
Fiadh O'Sullivan
Using Felryth's Shadow, she can generate illusions or hallucinations fueled by Felryth's Plane or the part of a target's mind connected to Felryth. These can be of recurring nightmares, phobias or even just audiory hallucinations which incite anxiety, terror and fear. The content differs by target.
Flithmar's Aura
With Flithmar's Aura, she is able to summon or generate flames within a given distance. These are summoned from Flithmar's Plane and disappear once the caster ends the effect or loses concentration. The caster is also immune to damage from fire, magic or natural.
Fiadh O'Sullivan

Icon of Fiadh
Fiadh is a member of Unit C211 filling the mid-ranged position. Fiadh can be fierce, bold and confident if not haughty but she can also be prim, imposing, eerie and sharp tongued. She is confident in her magic and martial skills, this confidence apparent as she fights, but is far more reserved in social circumstances as she tries to meet her mother's impossible expectations. She acts formal, haughty and composed in public, trying to play into the dark caster image. She is naturally morose and enjoys a gothic appearance but she also finds herself yearning for adventure and combat. The contrast between her true self and who she is expected to be gives her anxiety but she is better able to figure out her identity away from her mother, attending the procession.

When Fiadh fights, she is able to radiate flames into an area around herself up to a certain distance. She is also able to generate illusions of a target's fears as well, this illusion only appearing to her and the target. She cannot sense or identify their fears, the illusions forming uniquely according to the target's own mind. She uses these in combination with a spear and her own flames to fight in a mid-ranged style, making her foes question which flames are real and which are illusiory.


Fiadh O'Sullivan

Cis Female
Skin Tone
Rich Olive Green
Ginger Coiled, Curly Hair
Warm Honey Beige

Fiadh is short and thickset, her green eyes and ginger curls popping against her warm, honey beige complexion and dark clothing. Her face is rounded and freckled, further adorned by black and green makeup. Her attire makes her look witchy and gothic, black, green and dark purple lace puffing alongside bold coils of hair. In her magic form, Fiadh gains orange markings all across her body and olive black splays across her arms, hands and smeared around her eyes which glow green.


Fiadh O'Sullivan
Fiadh's mother heads an influential Eluzian noble family famous for their fear kaithur, her mother working within the dungeon of the castle and a core member of the King's Shadows. Meanwhile, her father was a recruit from Kasar Wuta who distinguished himself during his military career, earning himself a station by marrying into a noble house. Fiadh takes after her father in many ways and they have always been very close. He trained her himself and her bolder side emerges when she fights for this reason. However, because Fiadh was raised in Accia, far from her father's culture, and thanks to her mother's heavy expectations to behave as an O'Sullivan ought to behave, Fiadh isn't very in touch with her Alkelbulian roots.

Her relationship with her mother is far more complicated and she was always lucky (or unlucky) to catch Deidre's attention. As she grew older, Deidre began grooming her to one day join the King's Shadows and take her place but has, so far, been less than impressed with Fiadh. Much of Fiadh's prim, eerie and imposing personality comes from trying to imitate and impress her mother but she lacks the same disconcerting sadism overflowing from Deidre. She finds her daughter's apetite for pain hollow, that her daughter can't possibly master her art and is hoping service might sharpen her daughter's edge. Most others would disagree with Deidre, finding Fiadh unsettling depending on circumstance. After all, Fiadh has come to enjoy tormenting and toying with opponents with her kaithur.

Friends and Allies

Aisling Black and Fiadh are childhood friends as both of their parents work together in the King's Shadows. They would often spend time together in the royal library and were once playmates for Prince Aldric before they grew apart. Fiadh finds comfort in Aisling's weirdness and bluntness and sometimes finds herself emulating Aisling's maneurisms. Fiadh is also better able to handle the more exhausting social situations when Aisling can't muster the motivation. Both of them were relieved to find themselves on the same unit together in the Accian Military Training Program, the Unit C211-Shadow Unit.



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