Aisling Black

Lady Aisling Black

Aisling Black

House Minx
16 years
Control Division
Ranged Division
Control Support
Long Ranged Combatant

Azowyr's Aura

With Azowyr's Aura, Aisling is able to summon or generate shadows, pulling them directly from Azowyr's Plane. These are magic shadows which block out natural light, only dispelled by light or fire magic. The caster can also see in the dark, even total darkness.
Azowyr's Manipulation

Azowyr's Manipulation allows Aisling to manipulate, reshape and control shadows present in her environment. Unlike most casters, Aisling doesn't have to utilize hand or tool movements, controlling the shadows with just her mind.

Aisling Black is a member of Unit C211 and her father is a core member of the King's Shadows, Nigel the Unseen. Grim and aloof, umbral palls swallow friends and foes alike at her command, essential in bringing out her unit's full potential. While unskilled in close combat, relying on her allies to keep the enemy engaged, she instead twists and weaves her shadows to manipulate the battlefield, occasionally picking off opponents with shadow-cloaked arrows--nearly impossible to perceive amid the darkness!

Aisling makes no effort to conceal her secretive, stolid and reclusive nature, unabashedly morose. More often than not, she's found herself a dark nook to read, naturally introverted and fully capable of seeing even in total darkness!
Aisling is not shy but she abhors expending unnecessary effort by putting on appearances or biting her vicious tongue. Her only close friend is Fiadh O'Sullivan, both girls having equally cryptic interests. Aisling especially enjoys reading advanced literature including tomes on dark magic, rare flora, cryptic and obscure history and the like but she might also enjoy a dark fantasy or classic tragedy. Despite her odd tastes and a cynical perspective, Aisling proudly fulfills her family responsibilities and prepares herself to one day join the King's Shadows. Before enlistment, she often spent time in the royal library and became familiar with Prince Aldric. Aldric is generally amused by her predilections, finding himself more disatisfied by the instability between Aisling and Florio than anything else.


Cis Female
Skin Tone
Sharp Blue
:Long, Straight
Inky Black
Pale Alabaster

Fine, inky tresses cascade smoothly from her head and are met by caliginous lace as delicate as the girl herself. All black garments wrap this willowy teen, even her pale skin failing to add color to her grim ensemble which is further dramatized by smooth, dark makeup.
Her face is sharp and narrow, her striking blue eyes piercing as if to match her prickly aura. Unsuited to athletics, fighting or direct sunlight, few have as grim of a look as Aisling, rivalled only perhaps by Danut Cel Tradat. Much like both Danut and Fiadh, she leans wholeheartedly into her element, even her magic form manifesting charcoal black lace-like patterns around her eyes, limbs and hands!


Aisling's father works alongside other Shadows in the castle, working as a key figure in King Ambrose's secret society. Because of this and her interest in literature, Aisling spent considerable time inside the royal library. She is familiar with Albert, Ifani and Aldric but her solitary nature lead her to spend most of her time alone, nose in a book, and avoiding others. Since their parents work together and they share similar interests, Fiadh and Aisling developed their own friendship, cutting through Aislings defenses.

Right now, Aisling is enjoying being a teenager by spending time with Fiadh and continuing to develop her skills. However, she is aware of her family's secret and has every intention to take her father's place in the true King's Shadows serving Zalikar. There is much she won't learn the truth of until after her initiation, after service, but she knows she will follow in Nigel's footsteps and continue his work, her ancestors' work. Otherwise, she tries to blend into her role as a noble.


Beyond her friendship with Fiadh and Aldric, Aisling has dated both Danut and Florio. Her relationship with Florio was much more serious and they have gotten back together and broken up many times. She is very much still in love with him but Florio has stated its over between them. He is relentlessly frustrated with her aloof, reclusive tendencies, of her never letting him in. Yet in Aisling's mind, she believes Florio and she are meant for each other and that he will always come back to her.



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