Makeda Samrawit

As seen in

Princess Makeda Samrawit

16 years
Beast Companion
Mobile Division

Mobile Support

Kalitho's Skin
Those with Kalitho's Skin can emit visible light from their sin, controlling what kind of light, what color and in what patterns. These can be bright, blinding flashes, a gentle glow and varying illusions or she can imitate her surroundings, appearing almost invisible. However, invisibilty requires concentration and dexterity to maintain. With training, she
has even learned how to project invisibility onto Etenesh through contact but becomes less effective when they are moving quickly.
Fliris' Step
Fliris' Step allows Makeda to step into and out of Fliris' Plane, using their own bodies as a portal if they can attain and maintain a given speed. She can also bring along Etenesh or others while maintaining contact, flitting in and out of this elemental plain with Etenesh's aid.

Makeda is the mobile member of Unit C210 and is capable of both mobile support and cavalry roles. Makeda is a confident, powerful and shrewd girl. She knows who she is and that she glows. She tolerates no disrespect and won't let anyone or anything else change her. She naturally earns the awe and respect of her peers as she is highly charismatic, having a demanding presence. Despite this demeanor, she also isn't afraid to have fun and enjoys immersing herself in Accian culture without losing who she is in the slightest. The sight of her interacting casually and comfortably with Etenesh can also be intimidating and Etenesh doesn't hesitate to become aggressive with anyone who threatens Makeda.

When Makeda fights, almost always alongside Etenesh, they are the picture of speed and agility. Both of Etenesh's blessings are from Fliris. She is extremely fast and agile using Fliris' Agility and cannot be impeded by physical matter using Fliris' Slip, passing through solid matter or letting matter slip through her. The faster she goes, the more her velocity accumulates. However, it can be difficult to stop at high speeds. These abilities combine well with Makeda's. Makeda is able to radiate bright flashes or even become invisible, able to project this onto Etenesh with concentration. She is also able to enter Fliris' Plane once reaching certain speeds. While maintaining this or high speed, the pair of them can essentially pop in and out of the physical world. Compared to most large cats, cheetahs are far less powerful, but she still has a strong bite and sharp claws.


Cis Female
Skin Tone
Light Brown
Brownish Black
Very Curly
Warm Bronze

Makeda isn't particularly large or powerful, often leaving any intimidation to Etenesh. She is lithe and slender to match her feline sister, making Etenesh's role as her mount all the easier. Makeda glows and radiates not just because of her kaithur but because she knows her own beauty. She lights up a space wherever she goes with a generous and graceful smile. In her magic form, Makeda manifests prismatic markings all across her body alongside robin blue patterns, especially around her hands, eyes and feet.


Makeda was born into the ruling family of Gaarreen Ho'aa while her grandmother was once a princess from Nyasi za Rangi. When the Kingdom of Accia was spreading their influence over Alkelbulan, they made a habit of taking advantage of rivalries between tribes or kingdoms. Makeda's people allied themselves with Accia to this end, assured the defeat of their longheld enemies in Nyasi za Rangi. After nearly a century of warfare, the two largest groups ended this conflict through a marriage between Makeda's grandmother and grandfather. Makeda was raised with the traditions of her Abantu ancestors from Nyasi while living in the capital of Ho'aa. Makeda has been sent into the kingdom to secure a strong alliance and more autonomy for her people. She hopes to earn a position within the duchy or even marry Prince Aldric Syltharis himself.

Friends and Allies

Despite Makeda and Wu Zetian competing with each other for Aldric Syltharis's romantic interest, they still tend to get along and respect each other. Makeda isn't nearly as fervent about winning Aldric over. She plans to marry into nobility in general, aiming for Aldric simply because he is the best option. She is far smoother and less deceiving while flirting with him. She is straight forward, charming and respectful of Aldric but does not mask her intentions. She still scopes out other options as well as there has been little progress with Aldric.

Beast Companion

Etenesh was raised at Makeda's side almost like a sister. Etenesh and Makeda are very affectionate with each other and Etenesh in fact spends her nights in Makeda's quarters. For this reason, she has been set up with her own private room to avoid risking aggression towards any roommate. Etenesh can get territorial in these situations. Etenesh will often walk around with Makeda when there is enough space. However, Makeda fully respects Etenesh's autonomy and freedom, letting her come and go freely the majority of the time. She will also take Etenesh out hunting at any opportunity.

Character | Jul 3, 2024



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