Wu Zetian

Princess Zetian Wu

Divine Descendant
Crown Princess
Tianlan Wangchao
Si Xiang
16 years
Infantry Division

Control Division
Close Combatant

Control Support
Martial Arts
Staff or Club
(Dragon Staff/Dragon Club)
Wind and Fire Wheels

Ralgotar's Body

Ralgotar's Body allows Zetian to convert parts of herself or her whole body into lava. She can maintain a human shape or move as lava might normally move, in any shape she pleases. It also makes her immune to burning and damage from heat, actually quite pleasant to her.She can meld into other lava
Wu Zetian, Volcanic
and travel along it, though the opportunity rarely presents itself outside of Penglai Shan. She must return to human shape before changing back into flesh and anything stuck inside the lava will be stuck inside of her. If the lava is altered or destroyed, this will translate to lost flesh. In fact, rapid cooling of her lava will not only harden it into stone but severely lowers her own body temperature. She can expend energy to increase her temperature if she cools too much but this eats up her energy more than anything else.
Riptalis' Form

Riptalis' Form grants her the physical attributes of a Qinglong. She can step on water or water vapor and can summon rain if she possesses an azure dragon's orb. These scales leave her immune to energy magic and all water magic. Her scales do not cut easily, as tough as
steel, and she has a high tolerance for heat and hot vapor. Ordinarily, heat and fire magic would be her greatest weakness but her lava kaithur counteracts this weakness. Because she is a divine descendant, she can take on more attributes of the qinglong than an ordinary human. This allows her to cover her entire body in dragon scales alongside claws, a tail, eyes and horns of a qinglong.

Zetian Icon
Despite her delicate appearance, Wu Zetian plays the role of close combatant on Unit C210 and shouldn't be understimated on the battlefield. Her clan, Tianlan Wangchao, rules Zhongguo under the watchful eye of their recent conquerors, the Kingdom of Accia. However, one of the competing four dynasties of Si Xiang has sent their sole heir as well, Shi Yang of Zhuhong Wangchao (Vermillion Dynasty). Like a handful of other princesses, Zetian has set her sights on Prince Aldric Syltharis, hoping to marry into the throne of their unexpected sovreign. Among these women, she is the more persistant and calculated, endlessly ambitious and dedicated. She plays the long game compared to the more straightforward Yang and Eshana. Despite their competition, she gets along well with Makeda and they respect each other.

Zetian is calm and polite outwardly but this often conceals her burning ambition and brooding temper.She does not recognize her own overdramatic, arrogant and self-indulgent flair but it is clear to any who know her. Zetian is capable of both calculated tranquility and unexpected passion, her social warmth reserved for very few as she rarely recognizes another as her equal. She is quick to anger but has become skilled at concealing it until the proper opportunity. She can be incredibly savage with her insults, screened with pretty words and fluttering laughter. As one might expect of a princess, she carries herself with eloquent femininity and enjoys ornate clothing and makeup. She thinks little of Tia Minx at first, just another house heir and a clueless one at that, but as Aldric and Tia develop their relationship she begins to detest Tia with every interaction. Jealousy and infuriation with how Tia effortlessly wins his affection after he rebuffs her every advance naturally push Tia into the role of rival. Yet despite her charm and calculation, she fails to recognize how she has smothered Aldric, pushing him away with or without Tia in the picture. And while Longwei venerates her, Zetian believes him unworthy of Wulong, purposefully misgendering him and readily taking advantage of his loyalty and desperation.

Combat Style

Zetian is a dangerous individual in regards to combat, ready to fight anywhere and at any time whether she is armed or not. She is a divine descendant of Ralgotar, carrying his divine blood and possessing his ultimate blessing: Ralgotar's Body. She is capable of flitting about the battlefield, inflicting terrible damage with both her marital arts and draconic claws. If one is truly unlucky, they may even feel the burn of her lava limbs! Simultaneously, she is neither delicate or defenseless. She is able to cover her entire body in draconic scales which are both hardy, as strong as any steel armor, and gives her immunity to energy magics like light, fire and electricity. All of these abilities and more are possible thanks to her divine blood, allowing her to draw out more from her elemental connections than the ordinary human could withstand. One of her few weaknesses is her intolerance to cold temperatures, her body temperature dropping drastically if her lava is cooled.


Cis Female
Skin Tone
Dark Brown
Soot Black
Snow White
Clear Alabaster

Zetian is long limbed and feminine, her frame slender and elegant. She also has a comely face, not as strikingly beautiful as Yang but pretty all the same. While her natural hair and eye color are ordinary, she prefers manifesting parts of her her magic form almost constantly.

Zetian Realistic

Magic Form

Because Zetian has inherited two rare and powerful manifestations, she is endlessly proud of her dynamic and fantastical magic form. She manifests a number of features almost constantly including fiery yellow eyes, snow white hair, yellow antlers, blue draconic scales, pointy ears and a draconic tail. Like a qinglong, her tail is narrow and lengthy, a tuft of white fur at its end and a line of the same running up her spine. Depending on her mood, one might catch glimpse of a harsh sear between her scales and she ordinarily gives off heat, intensifying with her emotions. When her emotions escalate, a burning, rusty red ignites in her eyes! As Zetian is a Divine Descendant, her magic form is far more dramatic than most others and she has a wide array of abilities. In full form, Zetian is covered head to toe in azure draconic scales with a streak of yellow along the front of her body which reaches almost to her chin. She also gains sharp claws. Yet she is capable of an entirely different transformation altogether. She can transform any and all parts of her body into lava! This starts within the core of her body and, when transforming completely, a searing heat glows from beneath her scales before lava seeps out from between them.If she chooses to activate only Ralgotar's body, her skin takes on the markings of Ralgotar from head to toe, a rusty red gleam meandering as though magma waits beneath her skin. She reserves this for special occasions.


Zetian is the heir of one of four Zhongguo dynasties descended from Ralgotar, the Si Xiang. These dynasties compete with each other for the favor of their divine ancestor. Ralgotar hibernates within the volcano the royal palace is built into, Penglai Shan, which is his Seat. When he awakens, he chooses which dynasty has
pleased him the most to rule in his stead before hibernating again. They have their own elaborate way of maintaining power between his awakenings designed by Ralgotar for his own entertainment as he detests boredom.

Tianlan Wangchao, the Azure Dynasty which Zetian belongs to, was chosen by Ralgotar during his last awakening and she is their crown princess. Recently, there have been signs indicating Ralgtar's iminent awakening and, given their loss to and subjugation by the Kingdom of Accia, her clan has been desperate to regain autonomy. To this end, they have been preparing young Zetian fastidiously for her military service. Their aim is for Zetian to distinguish herself in service and secure an engagement to Prince Aldric. Zetian believes if she can marry into the throne of such a massive empire they might still impress Ralgotar enough to retain his favor. Zetian has been trained in every martial art within her capability and continues her training while traveling in the procession. She is determined and ambitious, valuing nothing higher than her clan. After all it, is more than the right to rule she and her kin have at stake. If their patron emerges before they can regain some semblence of sovreignty, Ralgotar is almost certain to eradicate their line completely!


Zetian is endlessly ambitious and cunning, believing in the superiority of her dynasty and at times, herself over those around her. She is naturally competitive, seeing challenges and chances to prove herself superior at every turn—a tendency which is commonplace within her palace walls. However, the competitions between members of Si Xiang have endless rules and stipulations, tools for Ralgotar's descendants to compete without being able to resort to direct violence. This has left Zetian naturally polite, tenacious and shrewd in order to conceal her brooding, scheming and over-confident nature. Whether a product of her environment or simply part of her persona, Zetian fails to see how she can come across as dramatic, arrogant and self-indulgent. Yet despite all of her ambition, she is still a cautious soul and enjoys clever schemes to get what she wants, but one should never forget her enduring and searing temper. For when she does fight, few can stand against her. And despite all of her theatrics, plots and overconfidence, there is a single purpose which lies at the core of every passion and scheme: her devotion to Tianlan Wangchao. Zetian truly reveres and believes in her family and in her calling to serve them. She believes it is her purpose and destiny to marry Aldric, to restore her clan to their divinely appointed power. And above all, she reveres Huangdi, the Huaren name for Ralgotar.

Friends and Rivals

Wu Zetian the Ambitious
Zetian led an extremely pampered lifestyle in Penglai Shan. In fact, because of their divine ancestry, members of Si Xiang are viewed as divine themselves. This has given her an inflated sense of superiority, expecting the same reverence from all she meets and recognizing very few as her equal. Those she will ever view as on her level must meet high if not impossible standards, including that which none can control—their ancestry. Despite all of Tia's distaste for politics and disregard for her position, Zetian comes to see her as a legitimate rival and threat thanks to Tia's divine heritage. After all, Tia divulges she is a descendant of Sylthari and even holds a high position as the sole heir of one of the Ten Houses, the house which rules over Zhongguo at that!

Zetian knows immediately, upon learning of Tia's lineage, that Tia is her greatest threat to marrying Aldric. Yet a little part of her enjoys having a real rival. Up until Tia appeared, she found the competition between she and the other princessess lukewarm at best. Unlike the rest of her kin, Zetian had always been untouchable amid the volatile politics in Penglai Shan. Because she was their best hope to claiming the throne of Accia, no one would dare oppose her openly and her position as crown princess was all but assured—so long as she could secure an engagement to Aldric. Since she was both Prince Aldric's age and possesses such powerful kaithur, she was the obvious choice. While her kin were ever vying against each other and the other dynasties, Zetian alone was never able to sharpen her own political wit. Never able to prove herself superior by cunning or cleverness. So despite her bad temper, she comes to enjoy her supposed competition with Tia to win over Aldric.
Makeda Samrawit

Besides her war of the heart with Tia, Zetian has come to enjoy the company of another vying for Aldric's hand: Makeda Samrawit. Both girls are far subtler and more deliberate in their pursuits as compared to the blatant and overzelous flirting of Eshana and Yang. In fact, these two seem far less resolved to secure Aldric as a fiance and pursue whoever they choose. Zetian and Makeda respect each other's dedication to their roles and have found quite a bit in common, despite some occasional nastiness. Outside of members of unit Unit C210, Zetian lets few others approach her. In fact, because of religious reverence, there are recruits of Huaren descent who tend to her needs as though she were still residing within the palace. This has served to retain her royal insulation and sense of superiority. Yet as she schemes against Tia, she forms a peculiar relationship with Andrea Stahlmann who has her own qualms with Tia.



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