Scath Minx

These beasts live throughout the Tenebrous Chain and are an apex predator of the heathlands and deep forests. There are minx living in Rossiya and Skaney but they aren't as well established. The Minx House of the Ten Houses has this creature on their emblem. The heads of this House possess racial magic which grants them physical attributes of the creature and this family originates from the heathlands as well.

Minx themsevles are known for having a finicky, tenacious and vicious temperament. They are very much like their ancestors, the Eurasian Lynx, but its aerial capabilities and elemental connections have altered their behaviors considerably including taking on behaviors of a merlin falcon. One such change is their tendency to utilize nests, taking those of large birds. These can be observed along the cliff faces of Lacuna Heath where the earth is scarred. They are extremely territorial, even harassing larger species with their incredible agility and talons, as the already territorial behavior of the lynx was only amplified by that of the merlin. They are especially intolerant to other aerial predators. When provoked into fighting, they are quick to shred their opponents, grasping them with their front claws and shredding them with "bunny kicks" using their back talons. They also have a strong bite with particularly long canines.

Apex Predator



First Ability

Besida's Form
(Merlin Falcon)
Minx with Besida's Form can take on physical features of a merlin falcon, usually wings and the hindquarters inclluding both talons and tailfeathers. Some may inherit a beak but all gain the exceptional vision of this falcon.
Second Ability

Azowyr's Movement
Those with Azowyr's Movement are able to walk, step or move on or through dark enough shadows regardless of gravity or lack of surfaces. They can even merge with shadows and travel along them briefly, slipping through small spaces with connected shadows! However, shadow magic can actually physically touch them and restrain them.

Felryth's Apathy
Minx with Felryth's Apathy are able to block a target's access to fear, anxiety or nightmares. This leaves them unable to experience these emotions, thoughts or bad dreams while under this effect. They can also turn off their own fear for a duration.


Original Ancestor
Eurasian Lynx
Lynx lynx
17-24 years
55-75 cm
22–30 in
76–106 cm
30–42 in
5-21 kg
12-46 lbs
73–99 cm
29–39 in
18-30 kg
40-66 lbs
Most recognizable for the black tufts of fur at the ends of their ears, a minx's coat otherwise ranges from dark gray to rusty reddish brown. Dark spots spackle both their wings and bodies, each coat slightly different in pattern. Its underparts, neck and chin are white. They gain a thicker coat in winter and they become more silver or grayish brown. Dark stripes on their face are also common. Feathers are either black in its magic form or match their fur!

Eurasian lynx were blessed by Besida, taking on physical attributes of a merlin falcon. It is capable of retaining all lynx features but most minx tend to remain in their magic form. This form can include merlin wings, hindquarters (including avian legs, tailfeathers and talons) and their eyes take on the abilities of both lynx and merlin eyes. There can be some variation between minx when it comes to these features, sometimes even taking on the head or beak of a merlin instead!

Lynx Features
Like many felines, their front claws are retractable. Minx have distinct black tufts on their ears and have yellow to green eyes with round pupils (not slitted). With a rounded head and short snout, their skulls are ideally structured for their strictly carnivorous diet with particularly long canines! However, they don't have the bite force needed to crush bones, instead having evolved powerful neck and jaw muscles with incredible gripping power. Many of the sounds they make are too low for human ears to perceive but they are also able to purr!
Merlin Features
Merlin wings are shorter than larger birds of prey, broad-based and pointed, and their tail is notably longer. Compared to other falcons, merlins are much heavier and more robustly built--a quality they share with lynxes. These features result in a bird of prey which has incredible agility and stamina! They fly with rapid wingbeats and occasional glides, their wings held close to their body. And their secret weapons is their impressive bursts of speed, hunting down other birds via tailchasing! All of these features further hone the predatory capabilities of a lynx, minxes keenly deadly in the brances of trees.



Minx possess the optical abilities of both a lynx and a merlin. The merlin eyes are very keen, seeing eight times more clearly than the human eye, able to see at night and even perceive ultraviolet rays. Minx can see prey from nearly two miles away and even have an extra eyelid which is partially translucent, protecting their eyes amid flight. The lynx eyes have less cones but more rods than human eyes, granting them a wider visual field, night vision and better motion detection. For the minx, these abilities meld together and grant the minx incredibly versatile vision. The lynx ears are also very sensitive, increased further by the tuft on the tip of their ears and most retain their whiskers as a feline. They have a good sense of smell too but tend to rely on sight and sound the most.

Scath Minx Face


Temperate Forest


Boreal Forest

Minx are native to the Tenebrous Chain, living within the deep forests including both Terror Thicket and Umbral Silva but are particularly partial to the forests straddling along the edges of Lacuna Heath. They often live on the cliff faces overlooking the various pits and crevasses scarring the mountains or along the edges of forests. The climate is still quite cold in the heathlands, their dense fur and broad paws an excellent adaption for the winter snow. There are some minx in Rossiya as well but are sighted infrequently. They adapt well to the colder Ural'skaya Belt but their dark Kaithur means they are best suited to the Chain.





These creatures are excellent predators and consummate carnivores with many adaptions in their favor. They hunt a wide variety of prey in the air, by ambush on the ground or their favorite: silently swooping in from above! Young minx are particularly fond of hunting small birds, tail chasing their prey very similarly to a merlin. They are extremely agile at this age but as they get older and heavier, they practice their ambush tactics on hares, voles, foxes and marmots. Once minx are fully mature, their main prey are ungulates like deer and wild boar.

Minx Beast Stalking
Minx hunt at dawn, twilight or during the night itself, although in Umbral Silva it is always dark. Perched atop tree branches or precipitous cliffs, they ambush prey from above but will only pursue from the air. On the ground, minx sneak silently through underbrush, heath or other vegetation before pouncing. However they manage to dig their claws and teeth into their meal, minx have evolved to clamp onto and out endure! Their front claws stabilize prey so that they can bite down on their throat. They might also use their back talons to bunny kick prey, easily shredding flesh with avian talons! These tactics alongside their well-developed neck muscles means minx are able to attack prey larger than themselves. These are incredibly vicious hunters, resorting to using their kaithur to turn off their own fear while hunting. Mated pairs of minx will also hunt together, one flushing out prey and the second making the kill.

Life Cycle




Like ordinary lynx, minx are solitary creatures outside breeding and tend to only interact with their own kin. Mating season runs from late winter to early spring. Males become extremely vocal during this time, engaging in screaming matches over a female--not just yowling or hissing, screaming! Unlike lynx, the minx mate with only one partner, often the same partner each year. The male will evel stick around to protect the female during pregnancy and provide food for her and the kittens.

Mated pairs seek out a nest, stealing them from large birds or settling into caves or dens along cliff faces. With the hindquarters of a merlin, minx actually lay eggs instead of giving birth, the kittens clawing their way out when ready. The mother rarely leaves their side, keeping them warm and protecting them. Her mate will leave when the kittens are capable of flight or can leave the nest, which takes two to three months. It is at this point they will follow their mother on the hunt, starting with small birds. They will stay with their mother until the next mating season. Litters consist of two to three kittens at a time but only fifty percent survive their first year and again only half the second year.




These creatures are solitary and extremely territorial. Male territories tend to be bigger and can overlap with females. Living a solitary life outside of the breeding season, minx are also quite elusive, mysterious and avoidant of humans so they aren't often seen. Their temperament itself is far more finnicky, fierce, tenacious, vicious, fearless and energetic than a lynx, taking these qualities from their merlin half. Mother minx are especially protective of their kittens and should never be approached in their company, becoming viciously aggressive akin to a bear!


Minx are not particularly popular as a familiar or for beast taming due to its temperament but those who manage it are well respected. It is not impossible to tame but one must be careful to avoid domineering, disrespectful or otherwise unpleasant tactics. It is quick to anger and ferocious if backed into a corner. When one does manage to tame them, they are extremely territorial of one's home and protective of their master. They can be quite affectionate but become excessively vocal during their mating season or when warning a foe to back off.


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