Tenebrous Chain

This region is dominated by the mountain range which hugs the Eluzian Valley's southern borders. The Chain is home to the highest concentration of dark magic, Zalikar himself once calling this location home. The Minx House governs the Tenebrous Chain as one of the The Ten Houses of the Kingdom of Accia.

These mountains are quite old with a smooth, rolling structure. However, further into the territory Zalikar himself has carved the peaks into sharp, jagged and seemingly agonized structures using void magic. It is full of ancient, gnarled forests untouched by sunlight beneath timeworn oaks and shadow-laced fog. Only those plants gifted with shadow magic are able to grow in the constant dusk and many dark beasts make their home here as well. If one wanders too deep, there are places cursed with fear and despair magic. In fact, most of the wildlife here wield these magics to stun or cripple prey. Despite it's gloomy and desolate appearance during the day, the forest comes alive at night. Starlight rivers, bioluminescent plants and gleaming stones give off gentle and ominous lights much of this put into place by Zalikar's daughter, Sylthari the Celestial. Underneath the entirety of the Chain runs a network of caves and waterways, its openings and springs spread sporadically about the region. Daoine bandit clans are known to make their home inside.

There exists one massive mountain at the easternmost heart of the Tenebrous Chain, Murk Mountain, skirted by the thickest and most dangerous forest. The peak itself is devoid of life and has been carved into a beastly face, forever frozen in abject horror. Palls of shadow pour out from the eyes and mouth, settling into the forest below and forming one of many Umbral Silva. Those touched by these shadows are stricken by walking nightmares or visions of their deepest sorrows. Supposedly, Zalikar's Seat rests somewhere within this craggy and desolate mountain. Openings to an intricate complex of caves called the Cryptic Karst are scattered here as well, lacing through the entire region like veins of the land itself.

The Karst is perilous to the ordinary person. There is no natural light here and Zalikar has set all manner of traps and barriers within this network of caverns. In some places any and all light, magical or otherwise, is snuffed out. Invisible traps and obstacles are crafted from that quickly flays all material upon contact or void shields which repel physical matter altogether. Some caverns are home to void pockets which are akin to the void of space, a frigid vacuum devoid of air or heat. Only those capable of wielding dark magic stand a chance of navigating this maze and only Zalikar himself, his host or his familiar are able reach his Seat at the heart. Still, many fools attempt to navigate Zalikar's traps seeking his fabled treasure hoard.


Umbral Silva
Geographic Location | Jun 21, 2024

Also called Pall Wood, this biome is heavily influenced by Azowyr. These forests and groves are spread intermittently throughout the Chain but are especially prevalent near Murk Mountain. Eternal night swallows any who wander underneath the branches of ancient, massive oaks. Even the weather is laced with shadow magic, a bonechilling umbral mist creeping between gnarled trunks and swallowing up all natural light. Despite the gloom, starlit streams and bioluminescent wildlife thrive in the shadows, lighting up only when the sun sets. In some places, this is the only way to perceive the passage of time.

Also called Dread Grove, these habitats are influecned by Felryth. Twisted, confounding thickets appear throughout the Chain, intermixing with Umbral Silvas, but are far more prevalent on mountain tops and spread between the fens and bogs of Melancholy Mires. Native species possess Felryth magic but even the earth itself here will afflict distressing hallucinations, walking nightmares and general disorientation. Many a Daoine and Angli folktale warn children of the signs they've crossed into one of these dreadful thickets!

Terror Thicket
Geographic Location | Jun 21, 2024
Lacuna Heath
Geographic Location | Jun 19, 2024

Also called Hewn Scrub, these heathlands are most influenced by Vokda. Sprawling scrublands are marked with steep, unnatural cliffs, bottomless crevasses and agonized sculptures carved by Zalikar himself in ages past. Unseen beasts are rumored to snatch those who wander too close yet Chain natives and their sheep unblinkingly graze at their edge. Alpine forests line these quiet, expansive meadows of wildflowers and heath, eerie but peaceful.

Also called Gloom Bog, these wetlands are characterized by their connection to Siptalis. Peat bogs, fens and mires lurk amid foggy forests laced with Siptalis' magic. Plants, wildlife and the even the waters themselves drain one of vitality, motivation and burden the unwary with extreme lethargy. Many who wander into these mires become permanent residents, either embraced and mummified by peat or wrapped by the greedy roots and branches of Gloom Bog trees. In fact, there are several mobile plant species in these wetlands, grasping at trespassers and draining their vitality with each touch or plaguing them with visions of their deepest sorrows!

Melancholy Mire
Geographic Location | Jun 21, 2024
Cryptic Karst
Geographic Location | Jun 21, 2024

Sometimes called the Caverns of Enigma, this underground network is most influenced by Irkath. A complex and befuddling system of caves, springs, caverns, resevoirs, underground rivers and tunnels that lace underneath the entire Tenebrous Chain. New springs and sinkholes are known to open up all across the region, their waters offering visions of Irkath's Plane and some even whisking people into the plane itself.

The Dark King's Seat, sometimes called Zalikar's Maw. A jagged mountain is carved into an eternal agonized yelp, skirted by pockets of all other Chain ecosystems as it weeps umbral fog laced with dark mental magic of every variet, despair, fear and unknown. This maw is the main entrance to a system of caves leading to Zalikar's Seat, if one can traverse the void traps and mysterious maze within, all while enduring the dark magic fog.
Murk Mountain
Building / Landmark | Jun 21, 2024


The Chain is mostly temperate but both the high altitudes and the effects of shadow and void magic can cause drastic drops in temperature and winters are harsh. Even the weather of the Chain is tainted with shadow, great palls spilling out light draining rain and fog. Lower altitudes on the southern face of the Chain blend slowly into the swamplands of Mexica and rivers of Musi Kongo below but there are also cold bogs and marshlands in the higher altitudes, between mountain peaks.


Many valued resources for material magic and enchantment true magic can be obtained within these mountains, assuming one can locate and claim them! The caverns are also rich with elemental crystals and gems with unique magical qualities but it is the isle off the coasts which supplies ore. The heathlands make for wonderful pasture, commonly occupied by shepherds of sheep and goats—much of Accia's wool is sourced from Lacuna Heath. Those immune to despair magic are known to cut and sell peat from the marshlands while Umbral Silva and Terror Thicket are the hunting grounds of huntsmen and poachers. Huntsmen turn a healthy profit gathering furs, meat and magic comonents from the creatures calling these mountains home while poachers capture rare creatures for beast tamers and collectors. Despite the logging potential of these forests, many of the older trees contain curses or other ill effects when one crafts with them—only those enchanters who desire these effects dare to use Chain lumber.


Originally, the Chain was home to a larger diversity of cultures and ethnicities which Zalikar had come to favor. During the Era of Legends, he blessed those who lived amid these mountains with his magic and acted as their patron and benefactor. When he had given all of his power away, these followers abandoned and even cast him out from his home by force. When his power was restored, Zalikar spent nearly two centuries wiping out all dark casters he could get a hold of in vengeance and he became far more reserved in granting humans dark magic. His wrath eventually
cooled and he formed a peculiar respect for those hardy enough to remain. However, those two centuries caused a severe displacement of the peoples who lived there, especially the Romani which were among his most devout followers. Some settled into the swamps of Mexica while others descended into the Eluzian Valley, making their homes in its southern region. In their absence, the Angli migrated into the more hospitable locations such as the heathlands and open valleys, often clashing with the native Daoine who remained.

Since the Downfall of the Erlithmanil, the descendants of those displaced peoples have begun reclaiming the less hospitable portions of their once homeland while others remain in the valley nearby, remaining influential in the kingdom. The last group of people who call this region home are the Daoine, populating mining towns, hunting lodges, rural hamlets and bandit clans of the Chain. The largest mines can be found on an island off the coast but there are Daoine who brave the cave systems of the Chain in search of elemental crystals. Some Daoine have chosen to leave their clans behind, blending into Angli and Romani villages and taking advantage of their kaithur to work as miners, shepherds and huntsman. The bandit clans themselves reside throughout the Chain, using the deep forests and caverns as their home and base of operation. Officially, it is the Minx House who rule the Tenebrous Chain, originally a wealthy Angli family.


Wildlife of the Chain have been blessed with dark magic, physical and mental. Lunil magic is also prevalent, many animals carrying unique features of other beasts and predators are known to be keenly stealthy. The plantlife of the chain is particularly dangerous, producing potent mental effects which makes them so sought after for material magic. Despite their danger, plants and beasts of this region are contrastingly beautiful as many of them possess bioluminescence. Despite the gloom, it is a stunning biome.

This article isn't quite finished yet!
Annie, Albert and I are hard at work adding and editing this article,
you can expect more here in the future!


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