Armored Rawhendianti

Basic Information


These little guys are about the size of the average cat, if not smaller. They have long snouts, large ears, and small eyes. It is said they have keen smell and hearing, but cannot see worth much. Rawhendianti have thick scales covering their body head to toe, layered similar to that of a dragon's but thicker. It is made of keratin and bone. A bonus feature is being able to curl into a ball to protect themselves further if the initial attack did not stop the attacker.

Additionally, these guys have small little paws, but don't be fooled—those paws can dig into the ground for hunting! Their claws are shaped so they can not only pull food out of the ground, but also to use clay-like soils to build their little homes.

Their body temperatures are below average for similar species, hovering between 33–36 °C (91–97 °F). Because of this, their basal metabolic rates are also lower and slower.

Genetics and Reproduction

Rawhendianti are placental mammals, meaning they carry their young in a uterus and nourishing them via placenta. Depending on the species, the gestational period is about 70-165 days. These guys also experience delayed implantation, which ensures the proper conditions for offspring to grow. Typically, the Rawhendianti give birth to about 3-8 babies.

Ecology and Habitats

They like the temperate and mild climates of Kestria, Kidul, and Diaxacabard. Although they live near the mountains, they don't typically prefer to live in them. For shelter, they build tiny homes in bushes using twigs and leaves, dirt, and whatever other raw materials they can find. Some even like using rocks for their little homes.

Dietary Needs and Habits

These little guys eat insects and plants—typically berries, but will eat whatever they can get their little paws on. They use their long tongues to catch insects, and they use their keen senses of smell and sound to locate their food.

12-15 years
Geographic Distribution
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Fate of Enaros

A cover for Inarora's Excursion featuring Kaedan and Inarora
by Rori
Inarora Beservera is sent into the past where she meets her great-grandfathers and her father and grandfather have to fight to bring her home.
Inarora's Excursion (GoodReads); Universal Link


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