Kiduli Islands

Kidul is a country in the southeast Lunen Ocean, and is perhaps the largest archipelago state in Enaros. It has about 15380 islands in all, including Sangat, Pokotli, Jekundare, Gidhanathi, and Athamananti. It lies south of the Zhouwaxi continent, and east of the Kestrian continent, and west of the Lunenos continent. Due to it's sheer area, it is one of the most biodiverse areas in the world.


The Kiduli islands is a cluster of islands not much unlike Earth's Indonesia, Hawai'i, and Phillippines. There is a main land and three secondary lands, and a bunch of islands including ones that keep forming due to the volcanic activity below the islands. There are approximately 15780 islands and the number grows every year.


Mainland Kidul

The mainland of Kidul, called Sangat, is home to the capital of Perdemeian, tucked away in the mountains. The highest point of the country is Mt. Svargha, standing tall at an estimated 4,956 meters. There is a lake by the name of Sendhaug tucked within the mountains that is filled by a river named Jhaktrena. It is the largest lake in the country, filled by the second largest river in the country. The first largest river is the Ghadara, and in third place is the Kescile.




Kidul is one of the most tectonically unstable regions on Enaros, making it the site of countless earthquakes and numerous volcanic eruptions every year. It is also home to one of the planet's largest volcanic eruptions in recorded history, having caused a global volcanic winter in early zhasic history. It is said there was a bottleneck in early zhasic and draconic history.


The climate in Kidul is relatively even year-round, although the further south one goes the colder it gets. Usually, there are two seasons: wet season and dry season. Most of Kidul is a tropical rainforest, though further south it's more mild than that. The mountainous areas, however, see more of a temperate climate with no dry season. Further south, is a tropical savannah and even a tundra in certain parts. Monsoons sweep in from the north, and occasionally Kidul finds itself in the path of a typhoon.

Fauna & Flora

Kidul is known for its vast biodiversity, and is amongst one of the 18 megadiverse regions on Enaros. Part of this stems from parts of Kidul having originally belonged to other continents, such as the western most islands of Ghondarandhti and Askaya originally being attached to Kestria, and the north eastern peninsula of Sangat having been once attached to Diaxacabard. The flora and fauna of these islands and peninsula can also be found in Kestria and Diaxacabard, along with new species having been created due to the isolation some centuries later.

The islands of Kidul are not only biodiverse in terms of land, but also sea given most of it is surrounded by tropical waters and non-tropical waters. It is home to the Antemana Atoll, the Jindara Reef, and numerous smaller reefs. The reefs are home to about 20% of Enaros's coral reef fishes; at about 1300 different species.

Alternative Name(s)
Republic of Kidul0
Inhabiting Species
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Fate of Enaros

A cover for Inarora's Excursion featuring Kaedan and Inarora
by Rori
Inarora Beservera is sent into the past where she meets her great-grandfathers and her father and grandfather have to fight to bring her home.
Inarora's Excursion (GoodReads); Universal Link

Cover image: by Seraph Abell using Canva Stock


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