Made With Love or Hate


It is said that the best food in the world is always food made with love. It's said that you can taste whether a food was made with love, or even hate. If it's made of love, when the food is eaten the person will feel a bit warm, as if they had been hugged. If it had been made with hatred, however, a colder feeling will settle over the person and they will begin to feel uneasy.

It's said in the worst cases of food made with hate, it'll make a person sick. And not because the food was not prepared correctly, either. The miasma from someone making the food with hatred will essentially 'poison' the food. The opposite can be true as well, where food made with love, if done right, it might make a person feel high on endorpins.

There are no true scientific studies done on this, and thus remains a myth.

Historical Basis

Although it is not rooted in any one specific historical event, there are instances where food made with hatred have given people 'food poisoning' and left them sick for a few weeks. The emperor of Xinghong, back in the Era of Kingdoms, had fallen mysteriously ill and no one was able to figure out why, given the food had been prepared correctly. It was later revealed one of the cooks had been angry with the emperor the day they made his food, and thus unintentionally poisoned his food. They were certainly lucky to not be killed by the emperor that day.


It is rather common knowledge in Xinghong, Hoseki, and Jiyeog. People are extremely careful not to let their hatred seep into their cooking and baking, but sometimes it still creeps in.

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