Priwen Veanont

Priwen Veanont (a.k.a. Pree/Calliope Bicoune)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Priwen is 5'4", 130lbs. She is overall healthy, doesn't have any known afflictions currently. Aside from that, she is autistic.

Body Features

Like other dracids, she has a pair of dragon wing 'tattoos' on her back that are purple in color. The tattoos allow her to summon her wings and use them if/when necessary. Has purple wings with rainbow coloring on the inside.

Special abilities

  • Can manipulate dreams and understand them.

Apparel & Accessories

Typically wears glasses, and wears whatever is fashionable but comfortable. Typically alternates between skirts and jeans.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Priwen grew up in a loving family with two moms and as friends with Inarora and Damyien. Like them, she was bullied for being a bit different. Sure, being neurodivergent was accepted in Endinsian culture, but kids still were cruel creatures. Instead of listening to them, Priwen stuck her nose in her books and ignored the bullies, who eventually did leave her alone, at least.

In Inarora's Excursion, Priwen was the last of the children sent into the past. She did not spend as much time there as Inarora and Damyien, however, she does feel uncomfortable being alone outside of her house now. On the other hand, she did get to see Erazim in the past and that was pretty neat, in her humble opinion. Just a little traumatizing.

Gender Identity

In human terms, she is a cis-girl.


Asexual, heteroromantic—though would not decline a partner of the same sex if she feels attracted to them as well.


Priwen is currently in the 9th Level of Intermediary School at Giradina Academy. She is taking chorus, learning Kestrian, and is starting to explore miasmic engineering. She hopes to be an engineer when she graduates from professional school with the lofty dream of creating a portal to another world.

Intellectual Characteristics

Priwen is extremely intelligent, and really enjoys reading and writing fanfiction. Although another one of her favorite things to do is learn grandiloquent words. She uh. Loves to use these.


Absolutely refuses to swear. Just won't.

Personality Characteristics


  • Priwen is driven to be useful and to be an uplifting presence to her friends and family.
  • Wants to find or invent something, or simply further Enarian technology in general. She's not sure yet but she definitely wants to find/invent something
  • This is due to a big creative drive. She can't help herself.
  • Virtues & Personality perks

    Priwen is a rather charming person. She is a great listener, and a great friend for her friends. She is a great host when she has her friends over. When her friends need encouragement, she's one of the first to offer comfort and encouragement.

    Pree is also nurturing. This is seen in her introduction scene, where she tries to encourage Inarora to meet with her mother so as to get the help she needed from them, given that Pree and her family all share the ability to manipulate and understand dreams. Priwen does not like seeing her friends suffering, and does what she can to help them.

    Tying into her charming and nurturing personality, she is also supportive. She loves to encourage and support her friends in their endeavors. She will also text Damyien and Inarora to check up on them when she hasn't heard from them in a bit. Inarora frequently approaches Priwen for advice and feedback when it comes to writing and other situations.

    Pree is a very creative person. She loves writing, specifically fanfiction right now but she has an original novel in the works (that will be published in a few books from now).

    Vices & Personality flaws

    Priwen has an unfortunate habit of being a know-it-all. Not that she's intentionally that way, she's just very smart and absorbs information like a sponge. She will talk your ears off if given half the chance. Additionally, she is a bit verbose, also not intentionally but it comes with the grandiloquent word usage as well. Whoops. She is known for going off on tangents, which could be a result of her autism. She is also over-specific, and oftetimes pauses to remember the exact word she's trying to use in a sentence.

    Another flaw is Priwen's anxiety. She doesn't often show it outwardly, but instead holds her anxiety inside until she processes it or finally confides in her best friend, Inarora A. Beservera. Occasionally, she doubts her own plans and ideas.

    Priwen also can be forgetful. She may do her best to stay organized, but things will still slip from her mind. She does forget to write things down, and does have to doublecheck birthdays. There is a lot of procrastination, and she insists she works better under pressure. Inarora does not really believe her though.


    Social Aptitude

    Priwen is definitely an introvert, and her charisma is about average. She has friends, such as Inarora and Damyien Mihata, a couple others, but otherwise prefers to keep her nose buried in books and schoolwork.


    When stimming, Priwen typically wraps a string around her finger, unwraps it, then wraps it again.

    Hobbies & Pets


    Priwen has one tabby cat name Estrella.


    Priwen enjoys reading, writing, watching anime/cartoons, fantasy movies, and also loves singing.

    Date of Birth
    21 Xanno
    Neaena Thalor, Rhanalan
    Dark brown, long, 4A (Coiled)
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Terra cotta
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    Do finger guns count?
    Church of the Holy Spirit
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    Fate of Enaros

    A cover for Inarora's Excursion featuring Kaedan and Inarora
    by Rori
    Inarora Beservera is sent into the past where she meets her great-grandfathers and her father and grandfather have to fight to bring her home.
    Inarora's Excursion (GoodReads); Universal Link

    Character Portrait image: by Seraph Abell


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