Inarora A. Beservera (Ee-nah-ro-rah Bes-er-ver-ah)

Inarora Ahlweni-Sukartil Beservera (a.k.a. Ina; Minara Thalas; Little Moon)

Our precious Main Character. An eathys from End'oria City, she focuses on illusion and light magic, while also studying politics so that she can continue her father's work as a diplomat. She enjoys drawing and writing, as well as playing video games.


Inarora's pronouns are she/they and they are aro/ace and non-binary. Inarora is also autistic, dyscalculic, and ADHD, and in her freetime she likes to draw, write, and play video games.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Inarora is a generally healthy person. Though she does have physical problems such as dyspraxia and 'mild' EDS, though half the time she never notices it. When she was little, however, she did have an illness called 'pyloric stenosis', which happens when the pyloric valve blocks stuff from the small intestine.

Body Features

Inarora has stripes up and down her arms, legs, and torso in the same color as her facial stripes. She has a scar across her abdomen from the pyloric stenosis surgery. Her long tail is fluffy.


On her back is a 'magical tattoo' of sorts of her wings, and those are where her sapphire blue and bronze wings "hide" when they are not in use.


Has a scar across her left palm from her birth giver, Iris, hurting her as an infant.

Facial Features

She has three ivory stripes on either side of her face. She has a small, turned up nose and slightly thin lips. Her face is rounded with generally soft features.

Identifying Characteristics

Three stripes on either cheek, wears a Saruto hoodie most days, tail is long and fluffy, looks like a 9 y/o.


After their 13th birthday, Inarora is seen sporting a royal blue pirate coat with gold trim.

Physical quirks

Her dragon wings are blue and they glow in the dark.

Special abilities

Inarora used to be able to see auras but has since lost the ability since the chaos magic came into play. Instead, she now has activated her chaos magic, which could bring the end of the world if used wrong. Inarora avoids that, instead preferring to use her illusiomysti, fire magic, and light magic.


Due to being autistic and ADHD, her senses are more sensitive than a neurotypical person's. Typically is more sensitive to sound, but also can be sensitive to light if she's particularly overwhelmed.

Apparel & Accessories

Typically, Inarora is seen in a green Saruto hoodie with brown elbow patches and a brown hoodie pouch. She prefers wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt underneath, and just about always wears a pair of jeans. Her shoes vary between a pair of white sneakers, purple and grey sneakers, and a pair of navy blue sneakers. Inarora wears a locket around her neck, which is usually hidden by her hoodie. Inside of the locket is a photo of her, her father, and her grandfather together.


When she's at home, she is seen wearing a different hoodie so as to not get food on her favorite one. Typically, she wears her pj bottoms at home rather than her jeans.

Specialized Equipment

Inarora has a half-length staff made of Hosekian doma wood with protection charm carvings on it made by her great-grandpa Seri. Hers has a sapphire blue crystal embedded in the top and a leather handle to protect her hand.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Non-binary demi-girl. She is not exactly vibing with being a full girl. She's just...her. That's all she can really say.


Aroace, polyamorous, and remaining attraction is pan.


Inarora has been able to read from a very young age, and has always been ahead of her peers in terms of reading—called hyperlexia. She also has known how to write stories since she first figured out how to. Her father taught her how to write when she was little, specifically working on her name.


She also grew up learning Hosekian from her grandfather and her great-grandfather, Seri, who was born in Hoseki. It is a Beservera tradition to learn Hosekian while they are learning to speak Orien as well. In school, everyone is taught how to use sign language in order to communicate effectively with anyone—whether they're hard of hearing, are burned out and have gone non-speaking for a while, or something else. So Inarora grew up learning three languages, and when she was old enough, she began learning Xīnghóngese and Jiyeongese as well.


Currently, Inarora is in the mid-level school before she picks and gets a more specialized education. What she plans to do, she isn't sure since she has a hard time doing math despite loving science.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Inarora is extremely talented at writing and drawing. Currently, Inarora is working on her first book about other world ninja. She's also good with technology, at least to the point she needs for what she needs. She is also very good at translation, as she loves language.


However, she cannot perform or read math well. Countless days were spent in her childhood crying with frustration over doing the math problems she needed to do to get better, even though she is dyscalculic. Eventually, she was allowed to stop doing math classes since she could not progress in it.

Likes & Dislikes

Inarora is extremely fond of hirone (kitsune) udon soup, which is a Hosekian dish. She also enjoys kayakoabe (tamagoyaki), miso soup, and chocolate waffles. When she's sad, she enjoys snacking on tona chocolate truffles (like Lindt).

For her neurodivergent stims, Inarora loves to stim with her baby doll, Sally the Elf, by rubbing the doll on her face. The reason for this is the satin fabric feels stimulating and calming for her. At night, she enjoys snuggling up with her plushies in her bed, including Fuji the Hirone fox.

In school, Inarora loves learning about outer space, history, and magic. She's not sure whether she wants to be in specialized school for science or one for magic and adventuring. At home, she practices her light and fire magic with her father and grandfather, but is working to start illusiomysti with her great-grandfather, Seruzen Mihata.


She enjoys reading and playing video games, including Fantasy's End 11, The Beasttamer 3, Saruto: Shinobi Wars, and Mifaun. Lastly, she enjoys spending time with her family, and especially enjoys cuddles with her father and grandfather.


For her dislikes, Inarora does not like beans, tomatoes, mushrooms or anything that has a bad texture to her. She also despises loud noises, chewing sounds, and really doesn't like her routine being disrupted. She also hates her nightmares.


For school, Inarora hates math and finds language class boring because she already knows how to write—so having to learn with her classmates is a boring concept.

Virtues & Personality perks

Inarora is a very affectionate person, and really loves hugs and nuzzles from her family members, and definitely enjoys being held by her father especially. She enjoys drawing for her friends and family, as well as giving small gifts.

She is also very creative, and enjoys drawing people and writing stories. Her imagination runs wild, and is very expressive. This also can explain why her emotions are typically extremely strong, aside from the fact that she is autistic.

Another thing is that she is very curious, which can be seen in her intelligence. She often asks questions—usually thoughtful, pointed, or otherwise—wanting to know and understand more about the world around her. She has a deep passion and understanding for her special interests and hyperfixations, and has a massive aptitude for languages—which is one of her special interests, in fact. She absorbs knowledge like a sponge. She also finds herself frequently collecting things, like plushies, enamel pins, and coffee mugs. With her kineticism (ADHD), she does have trouble focusing when there's something more interesting present.

Inarora is also very gentle. She is typically kind, softspoken, and is very considerate. Frequently enough, she prefers quiet environments and has a very non-threatening demeanor. When she interacts with other people, she typically speaks thoughtfully and is respectful of other people's privacy.

She is pretty honest, doesn't hold the truth back unless she thinks she needs to. Through her honesty, she tends to be genuine and is very trustworthy. She is also empathetic, and with that she's especially sensitive to everybody's emotions. Sometimes, it can be overwhelming, but she tries her best to not let it get to her. When people close to her are upset, she is known to try and comfort them however she can.

Inarora considers herself organized, although not super organized. She can keep her stuff organized for a while, but then it gets messy and disorganized and she has to reorganize everything once again.

Vices & Personality flaws

On the other side of the coin, Inarora does indeed have her flaws. One of her biggest ones is being forgetful, as her disabilities make it hard to remember a whole lot. She is known to forget to do certain chores that were asked of her. Sometimes, she misses an assignment and has issues with procrastination. Granted, the schools don't typically offer too many assignments, but sometimes she forgets the ones they do assign.

Being a teenager, she is prone to some behaviors more so than with adults. She is certainly prone to being gullible, as she falsely believes people are inherently good but it also stems from her lack of experience. She believes in second, third, fourth chances (unintentionally) and sometimes is far too generous with their time and resources. She even has a tendency to believe liars even when they have proven themselves untrustworthy.

Because of her kineticism (ADHD), she has trouble with being inattentive. She struggles with engaging with people, as can be seen in Inarora's Excursion with her inability to engage more with the past. She also easily loses track of conversations, a little unobservant, and sometimes frequently multitasks.

Personality Quirks

Inarora stims a lot, usually with her doll, her lanyard at home, and occasionally a fidget cube. She also rocks when she's really upset. If it's bad enough, she gets a speaking block and it gets hard for her to speak.


Brushes teeth once a day because she always struggles to remember in the morning. She showers daily though. Her nails she keeps short because she does not like the feeling of long nails. Inarora brushes her hair after a shower but does not blow dry it.


Contacts & Relations

Priwen Veanont
Character | Aug 27, 2024
— Best Friend
Damyien Mihata
Character | Aug 27, 2024
— Best Friend/Partner
Xavier Mihata
Adrian Traviere
Hylfel Llaren
Character | Jul 27, 2023
— Ex-Best Friend

Family Ties

Minister Beservera
Character | Sep 6, 2024
(great-grandpa) Iris Morozov (mother)
Rudhain Beservera (Great-great grandpa)
Ezekiel Beservera (great-entle)
Aymeria Beservera (great-aunt)
Emallah Beservera (great-great aunt)
Samuel Pierre (step-grandpa)

Social Aptitude

Socially awkward as a result of being ADHD and autistic. She struggles to make friends, and is extremely introverted. Inarora tends to keep to herself and spends a lot of time in her own head.

Hobbies & Pets

Petra is her cat as of the end of the first book.


Hobbies-wise, Inarora enjoys drawing, writing, and playing video games. In Book 2, it's made known she plays a violin.


Because of her dyspraxia, she does have problems speaking. She struggles with articulating her thoughts in a coherent manner and stumbles over words. Her mouth tends to go faster than her own brain.


Damyien Mihata

Queerplatonic Partner (Vital)

Towards Inarora A. Beservera



Inarora A. Beservera

Queerplatonic Partner (Important)

Towards Damyien Mihata



Zymni Harvenov

Cousin (Trivial)

Towards Inarora A. Beservera



Inarora A. Beservera

Cousin (Important)

Towards Zymni Harvenov




Started because Galina was trying to search for a way out of Str'ana during this period of strife and was lucky enough to know that Kaedan had been an ex-fiancé of Iris, and she reached out in hopes he would be willing to help them. When this started being discussed, Dahlnen reached out to Inarora hoping to get to know their cousin more.

Unfortunately as time went on and as they learned more about Inarora, Dahlnen began to realize how privileged Inarora was and how she was lucky to live in a country not constantly in strife, how lucky she was to be born to a loving father (Daddy issues), and being over all safe and secure. How Dahlnen was so unlucky, and how unfair it was that they had to suffer and Inarora didn't. As their time in End'oria continued, the more jealous and frustrated she got with Inarora and how her adults all 'coddled' her and got mad at Dahlnen (even though Dahlnen constantly broke the rules set into place and overstepped boundaries constantly, which is something Inarora rarely ever did)

Traits that cause conflict:

  • Timid
  • Organized
  • Gentle
  • Honest

  • Dahlnen
  • Bold
  • Cruel
  • Disorganized
  • Dishonest
  • Commonalities & Shared Interests

    Both of them like anime, old human anime movies included like Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro. They also both like to draw and write, though in drastically different ways—Dahlnen writes poetry, Inarora writes stories. Dahlnen draws more realistically with some abstractness, Inarora draws in a quasi-anime style. They are also both considered 'queer' in human terms.

    Current Status
    Getting back home after being tossed into the past
    Date of Birth
    31 Lhahir
    End'oria City
    Current Residence
    At home
    Non-binary demi-girl
    Long, silver hair, type 1b hair (mostly straight)
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Pale white
    Related Myths
    Known Languages
    Inarora can speak Orien, Hosekian, use Orien Sign Language, and is learning Shahrani and will learn Xinghongese
    Follow me on Social Media!
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    Fate of Enaros

    A cover for Inarora's Excursion featuring Kaedan and Inarora
    by Rori
    Inarora Beservera is sent into the past where she meets her great-grandfathers and her father and grandfather have to fight to bring her home.
    Inarora's Excursion (GoodReads); Universal Link

    Character Portrait image: Snow Country by Seraph Abell


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