Ancius Constantinus Character in Encopia | World Anvil

Ancius Constantinus (An-cee-us Con-stan-Tin-ee-us)

Grand Praetor Ancius Constantinus (a.k.a. Speaker of Light)

Ancius is the Speaker of Light and Grand Praetor of the Holy See of Lumia, the highest position in the faith.   He is more outspoken than other Speakers in Eucitas, and claims to have near constant communication with the Sage of Light.   Many of his subjects, and other Eucitans faithful to the Light, regard him as charitable and benevolent.   Though a very pious man, he has shown restraint in striking down heresy and blasphemy. This was especially exemplified with his 5 year late entry into The War of Opinion, a conflict fought on the Holy See's behalf.
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1938 24C 84 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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