Connie Liver Character in Encopia | World Anvil

Connie Liver (Con-ee Live-er)

Connie Liver (a.k.a. The Unaliver)

Convicted serial killer who used to haunt the streets of Danrest, targeting beautiful women and maiming them. His last victim was Sharieth Balwenys before he was assumedly killed by Jacob Morrow.   However, Connie some how miraculously recovered from his wounds when found by Theo Magath who locked him away in Danrest Prison. The two would then develop a "working relationship" over the years, sharing torture methods.   When Fandelian Conscription Unit 1 infiltrated the prison to free Collum McThom, they inadvertently released him from his cell as the party fled but he was fortunately recaptured. Jacob then paid Connie a visit to uncover how Connie survived their encounter to which the psychopathy cryptically responds he was "saved by a deity" who he believes "wanted him to continue his artistry." Jacob detected a faint presence of Necrotic magic emanating from Connie.   He was recaptured and subsequently executed by Levi Doyle at the advisement of Jacob.
Year of Death
2022 24C
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