Collum McThom Character in Encopia | World Anvil

Collum McThom (Call-UM Mick-THom)

Magistrate Collum Marcy McThom

Collum is a Constable in the Fandelian Militia overseeing the Brandland Parish region.   He is reasonably tall and lean, and has amber eyes and a rather wild, unkempt beard, with fair skin. The most notable physical trait of Collum is large scars across his face, which he received from an altercation with Izumi.   Collum is reserved and calculating. He is vigilant but understanding of people. When he is relaxed, he is thoughtful. In moments of stress, he becomes obsessive.   He was made Magister of Danrest after Theo Magath's treason and death.
Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Birth
1954 24C 68 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations