Theo Magath Character in Encopia | World Anvil

Theo Magath

Magistrate Theo Magath

An ambitious and opportunistic half-elf mage, Theo is a Magistrate for The Kingdom of Fandaniel and acting warden for the Danrest Prison.   During The War of Opinion he was a legion commander and senior officer to Epon Dorash. His tactics were ruthless and reckless, focusing on winning at whatever the cost.   One particular battle that was soon to be lost, he ordered a unit of 300 Gorefire Minotaur to the front lines - with the plan being to use them as decoys to cover for his retreat - none of the Minotaur survived.   This enraged Epon, who did not know the Minotaur were being left for dead until after the fact, and he immediately resigned from the military. Feeling slighted, Theo branded Epon a deserter and so the knowledge of his war-crime was lost.   At some point in time he made a pact with an unknown demon, becoming a Warlock, and began working as a double agent for the Vellen Crime Syndicate, until he was taken out by Fandelian Conscription Unit 1.
1943 24C 2022 24C 79 years old
Circumstances of Death
Torn in half by his own summoned demon
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations