Epon Dorash Character in Encopia | World Anvil

Epon Dorash (Eh-Pon Door-Ash)

Epon Doorash (a.k.a. Night's Fang)

Epon is a veteran of The War of Opinion fighting for the Kingdom of Fandaniel, however when he saw how the Minotaur were being treated and overused in combat he deserted the army.   Although going AWOL resulted in him becoming a fugitive, he remained in the Fandelian Parishes to help struggling Minotaur tribes rebuild.   When he learned of the emerging Hero Dust market he formed the Night Watch, a group that works in the shadows to disrupt organized crime trafficking Hero Dust, in response.   Epon comes off as a pragmatist guided by a bit too black-or-white morality. He won't compromise his values "for the greater good" but also he won't waste his time if something doesn't advance his agenda founded in his understanding of justice.
Year of Birth
1959 24C 63 Years old
Aligned Organization