Minotaur Species in Encopia | World Anvil


Minotaur's are the native species to the central region of Fandelian Parishes.   Originally bolstering a population of over 75,000, their numbers were outrageously diminished during The War of Opinion leaving only about 3,000 still alive today.   Their horns can be ground up to make the drug Hero Dust, which leads bandits and criminal organizations to pillage minotaur grave sites.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Historically tribal but in recent years some minotaur are attempting to create a united race in High Mount

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The plains and mountains of the Fandanielian Parishes.

Civilization and Culture


In recent history, the Minotaur tribes united and allied with the Kingdom of Fandaniel during the The War of Opinion due to their villages and settlements being constantly raided by the advancing Mitfordian Confederacy.   However, because of their effective combat prowess minotaur legions were often delegated to the front lines and were overused. This lead to the near decimation of the minotaur race, with many tribes being lost forever - such as the Brighthorn and Clovehoof tibes.    Because of this sacrifice the subjects of Fandaniel revere minotaur as heroes, albeit superficially as the Kingdom has not provided official aide after the war.   The surviving tribes struggle with the march towards extinction as their numbers slowly dwindle, resulting in many tribes sending their few able-bodied youths out into the world in the hopes they can obtain and return with resources to prolong their survival.
150 years
Conservation Status
Endangered. Only around 3,000 minotaur are alive today
Average Height
6 ft
Average Weight
300 lb
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations

Articles under Minotaur