Izumi Character in Encopia | World Anvil

Izumi (Ee-zoom-me)

Izumi (a.k.a. Shadow Cat)

Originally from an unknown part of Elos, Izumi found her way to the Fandelian Parishes and worked as a bounty hunter until meeting Epon Dorash and joining the Night Watch.   During her time as a bounty hunter, she heard stories of Zocra Vodo's exploits and began to admire him in a professional capacity. Also around this time she was routinely hired by Collum McThom before inciting an altercation which left him scared, and later befriending Dalyla Hope.   Izumi is a very skilled combatant, capable of using her tail to wield a third weapon, and her proficiency in stealth allows her to stalk even the most alert targets.
Year of Birth
1996 24C 26 Years old
Aligned Organization