Smolette Character in Encopia | World Anvil

Smolette (Smool-Let)


Smolette was born to a Goliath mother and Human father after one fateful encounter atop the snowy mountains of Bothia. Raised in a warm loving home, she wanted for very little but would spend the evenings of her youth watching the sun set on a mysterious and expansive horizon. The call to unknown grew louder over the years, until one evening after watching the sun set she said farewell to her life of comfort and left secretly in the night. Unable to endure her parent's reactions, she left only a letter. Now she spends every sunset facing towards her mountain home, hoping her parents understand.   Her travels lead her all the way to the hometown of Alanis Gilra in Mageland Domain who one day offered a warm sweet roll to Smolette after finding the gentle giant scavenging for food in an alleyway that many other passersby were fleeing from. Initially suspicious of the Half-Elf's kindness and lack of fear - something Smolette has never experiences from this new, strange, exciting world whose people seem to really like to scream and run - the two eventually formed a bond, with Alanis advocating for Smolette socially and Smolette furiously protecting Alanis from danger. When Alanis was asked to enroll in Danrest University on scholarship, she accepted with one condition: Smolette must be accepted as well.   Smolette has grown to have a strong respect for those she would call friends, and is the first to rush in to protect them.
1987 24C 2022 24C 35 years old
Circumstances of Death
Beheaded by Yonzu Empire
Aligned Organization