Alanis Gilra Character in Encopia | World Anvil

Alanis Gilra (Ahh-lawn-Nis Gill-Rah)

Alanis Persephone-Cascadia Gilra

Alanis is the only child of a High Elf noble mother and low born Human father, conceived from a rebellious affair during her mother's youth. Her mother is granddaughter to one of the most prestigious sorcerers of Mageland Domain and heiress to her family's substantial estate, with a centuries long blood line tracing back to many other impressive individuals - including two former Speakers. Needless to say, it was shock when Alanis was born. Unable to bear the chagrin from the nobles of her mother's inner circle, Alanis's father fled without notice, leaving Alanis as the the sole focus of reproach from nobles and her mother alike.   It did not help that Alanis's half-bred origins lead her to struggle mastering control over magic that has historically come effortlessly to others in her lineage, resulting in embarrassing Wild Magic surges. She compensates by emulating a mask of haughty nobility so commonly present in the company her mother keeps. Underneath however, is a sincere heart longing for acceptance which she found in her friendship with Smolette.   Unbeknownst to Alanis, her mother used her clout and family's station to conspire with academics from Danrest University into admitting Alanis to their college "with the highest commendations for a most promising student" with the hopes that perhaps professionals can mold the floundering half-elf into something more "aristocratically palatable" - a phrase Alanis's mother once used at a garden party to describe what her daughter lacked - or in the very least send her far away enough to grant her mother reprieve from the looming inadequacy. However Alanis is not soulfully ignorant to this truth - even while boasting her "scholarship" to acquaintances that will always intentionally remain acquaintances - and uses that as a driving force to one day master her abilities and smack the tea-sipping smirks off the fancy mouths of those self-righteous nobles and pharisaic mother.   Alanis is quick to criticize as a means to wrestle control away from those who she believes would do so to her if given the opportunity, but those closest to her can see through this façade without taking to heart and accept her none the less.
Year of Birth
1973 24C 49 Years old
Aligned Organization