Zeva Moto Character in Encopia | World Anvil

Zeva Moto

Zeva Moto (a.k.a. The Red Woman)

Zeva Moto is a fierce and determined leader of the resistance against the oppressive Yonzu Empire. Born into a poor family in a small village on the outskirts of the empire, she witnessed firsthand the brutality of the Yonzu's rule and swore to one day put an end to it. As a child, she trained in secret, honing her skills in hand-to-hand combat and the use of a large battle axe, her signature weapon.   Over the years, Zeva became a prominent figure in the resistance, known for her bravery and strategic thinking. However, her life changed forever when her brother and sister-in-law were killed, leaving their daughter Amani an orphan. Zeva took in her niece and raised her as her own, and as Amani grew, she discovered that she had magical affinity. However, without the proper arcane training, Amani struggles to control her powers.   Still, Amani is a valuable asset to the resistance, but her powers are dangerous and unpredictable, and Zeva is ill-equip to help her control them. Despite these challenges, the two of them form a powerful team, with Zeva leading the resistance forces and Amani using her magic to devastating effect in battle.   Even when facing overwhelming odds, Zeva refuses to give up hope and continues to lead the resistance in their fight against the Empire, determined to one day see it fall and bring freedom to her people. She is a natural leader, respected and loved by her followers, and her courage and determination are an inspiration to all who know her. To Amani, she is a dedicated caretaker and guide, balancing her role of resistance leader with her parental responsibilities, and she is ready to give her life in order to protect her niece.   At some point, she gained possession of one of the Empire's Imperial Arms: The Colossal Edge, Giruvegan, an axe capable of growing to enormous size without effecting its weight. Though it represents everything she is fighting, and was the axe that was used to kill her sister - Amani's mother - Zeva reluctantly considers it a necessary evil to level the fight against the Empire.


Zeva Moto


Towards Amani Moto


Amani Moto


Towards Zeva Moto

