Essence tethering


Its main purpose for being developed were militarily and strategically. It meant that even if dead, there still were a change of resurrection if it seemed fit. This was used for important political people and military leaders or critical personal. When it became more accessible, it were also used for transport of people with high value information. With the option for resurrection or other types of soul focused magics, this prevented or made assassinations of high value people not matter. It also secured information from prisoners, by them not being able to kill themselves. Without the option of bringing them back, or extracting information from their souls.


The research in the subject were specifically requested by the Arvian city council. The mages task with finding a solution to the soul tearing caused by the sphere. Rather quickly turned to the Servatoremfelis for help with developments of this new magic. It took little over a year to come up with the first prototype spell, that proved the understanding of the phenomena. After this it was a tedious process of trail an error of new spells and effects, the deployment of them and then the attempt of connecting, with the soul of one dead under the version being tested.


At first, it was hold fairly close by the Arvian powers, but the knowledge of the science and effects of this new magic were intensional leaked to the other sides. It took the Servatoremfelis roughly a year and a half, to start spreading the essence anchors outside Arvian control. The essence anchors became more and more common, but were known as Soul anchors. The knowledge of this area of magic never left either the Arvians or the Servatoremfelis. Not because it was not wanted, but because they ended up providing all sides with enough anchors for their purposes, so that they did not need to spend the effort. Because of this lack of dissemination, the knowledge was with the fall of Fendrel. The only lasting knowledge of it is safegaurded within the Lycanceum archives, only to be shared if necessity dictates it.
Social Impact
To the commen folk it gave a lot of spiritual comfort of them, to know that there still were a change for something after death.
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