

It is a fairly flat structuered organization. with only a cuncil to direct larger matters and a deligation board, that deligates tasks to vulenteres that requst them.

Public Agenda

Their agenda is to help out people the people Fendrel, where aid is need to try and avoid the effects of the sphere. Our mission is to provide immediate relief and long-term support to people affected by the sphere. We are dedicated to rebuilding lives by offering essential resources, medical aid, and relocation solutions. Through collaboration, compassion, and resilience, we strive to restore hope and empower individuals to rebuild their futures.


They do possess quite an array of transport and building materials gathered and or recovered or donated to the cause, for rebuilding and rehouseing. There are also a multitude of vulenteres that offer protection from creature, monsters and the like, while treversing the land of a safe place to relocate to.


The organization were founded in the second year of The ending war. It was obvious, as the military functions of the cities, were not about to do any of this work soon. So some of the more well resource inclined people of Spheria and VĂ©lacir, founded the Servatoremfelis. Their original mission were to offer release and refuge to the civilian population, of the war affected areas of all three city-states and the surrounding area. As the war continued and the effects from the sphere became worse. The governments started to offer help as well, it was in this escalation of conditions that the mission became what it ended up at.
The Servatoremfelis collected a long history of protecting and aiding the common man of Fendrel. Without them properly not as many would have survived, the war and the immediate aftermath.
Activist, Charity
Related Traditions
Manufactured Items


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