Soul anchor


It was first developed by some mages from Arvian, with support from Servatoremfelis and funding granted by the city council. During the beginning of The ending war, it became clear that the sanctuary sphere had changed more than just the area. After a few resurrection attempts, had been made early on with no effect. It was look closer into, and it was found that the resurrection magic was working, but there just were no soul to bring back to the corpse. It was when this was discovered, that the Arvian city council granted the founding and defined the task. Originally developed to safeguard high value personal & war assets. It later through the Servatoremfelis were made for normal people, to have a change of passing through to the afterlife. Without their souls being scattered throughout the ether of non plainer space.
It was also the Servatoremfelis that started to perfect the craft of the amulets. There were two goals for this process. The first were to simplify the creation of the amulets, to lower the price so that normal people would have a change of obtaining one. The second goal were to make them more efficient or versatile.
The first goal were achieved after a couple of years, the second took almost a decade to perfect. There were earlier models with some improvements to them. The real efficiency and versatility they finally reached were, the ability to safeguard more souls in a vicinity, unfortunately this requires a divine caster or an arcane caster skilled in soul magic, to rebind people to the anchor about once a week.



Militarily It meant that even if dead, there still were a change of resurrection if it seemed fit. For the general public, when the knowledge of once soul, essentially being ripped apart on death, it gave a lot of spiritual comfort of them to know that there still were a change for an afterlife.

For the crafting of these amulets, A precious metal forge and workshop, a long side a divine magically infused mould is required.
Materials needed is either Silver, Gold, Platinum or equal precious metals, that have some ability to hold magic. A few gems of a certain clarity and quality, or a single very high quality diamond, amethyst or ruby.

Note: Difference in materials and magic infused into the mould, will result in different end results.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Related Technologies
Extremely rear
200 - 500g
Base Price
10-500 gold


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