Sphere warding


Sphere warding started shortly after, the sphere effects began to extend its reach further out. Early on, it was just a prayer to the ether, to ease the sufferings of the sphere's effects. This gave comfort to the people. It did not take longe before more people, started doing it. As it went on, it took on more as an evening ritual than a prayer. After a couple of years, it was a fairly common practice in most households. When the effects from the sphere intensified, it became almost religious it how it was practised. There were many iterations for the prayer throughout the years.
The Servatoremfelis later, unrelated, discorded some effects that would for a short time ward off the infection of The sanctuary plague. After this discovery, they made a lager more advanced ritual out of this originally prayer of warding. The new ritual took some more to accomplish, but over a years time it was incorporated into most towns, and practised regularly.


There are two diffrent practices of this the orginal simpler version and the Servatoremfelis' later advanced version.
The simple version is usual carried out, at home or with a gathering of friends and famille in the evening. This little ritual usual only takes 5 to 10 minutes, and involves gathering together and praying for the effects to not take too much hardship on those assembeld.
The more advanced version of this, requires atleast 25 people and takes between 30 and 60 minutes to complete. The ritual is usual lead by someone of influence or whom ever is handling the ritual. Even though it is not required, it helps the ones that are uncirtin on what to do. The ritual takes the praying part of the simple version, and extends it. What does matter here, is the collective effort to push good energy toward the ether of the area and people. The more people, the better for the effects of this ritual. It also has the added benefit of socializing, and the mentality of coming together as a whole to stand against the effect trying to destroy the area.

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Aug 20, 2024 02:21 by Deleyna Marr

Interesting the way it grows over time and with more people.
