The sanctuary plague

Transmission / Vectors

The plague itself is in the air, moving around in invisible clouds. All the details of how it infects is not known. There were reportings of entire towns getting infected, but also only a few spread out over a large area.


The cause of it is linked to the Planar thinning effects sounding the sphere, created near Arvian. The incubation period seems to be random at best estimates. Incubation seems to be around a week to a months time.


When first infected, there are no immediate signs of infection. The first symptoms being itching, Scratching, self-isolation and mild paranoia.


There are to this day no real treatment to the sanctuary plague. If caught early enough, the conciseness of the individual could be moved to another body. But the original body is not to be saved. Acquiring a new body and someone with the capabilities, to move a conciseness from one body to another completely is not in the realm for most. Even if so, it would be a very costly affaire.


After the original symptoms. Physical changes start happening. The changes are slow at first, to where the self-isolation and paranoia is strengthened. The changes themselves are very different between victims.   After the initial couple of weeks with slower changes, they start to accelerate, and depending on the form of the transformation, it is over within a couple of weeks to a month. During this time period, the victims begin to lose themselves to their new forms' nature, slowly disappearing themselves. The final stage being that the transformation is complete, and what was once one thing is now another. With no resemblance, knowledge or trace of its original host.


Originally, there were no preventions from this. But later a common traditional ritual of warding of the worst of the sphere effects, were modified into a larger ritual. That for a time wards off the plages, seen to originate, form near the sphere.


The sanctuary plague was first seen a good three years after, the spheres' creation in small isolated areas near the sphere itself. Over time, it started to spread, reaching further and further out in the land. After the initial sundering of Fendrel, it seemed to disappear. It did not disappear entirely though, small pockets of it can still be found around the islands of The Shattering.

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