The effects of the project sanctuary approval memo

With great power, comes great responsibility.
But at what cost, must we seek this?
Originally not realy anything out of the ordinary, but the impact that it would eventully have on Fendrel and Enimales as a whole.
The document was just one of many in a large bureaucracy, but the approval of this project turned out to be a mistake.



The memo was intended to get founding and building approval, for a research project. That had not prevesuly even been considered for funding, do to its very esoteric natur. At the time it was written, alot of meetings had happen. Here to the auther fund that, this was the time for him to push of funding for his personale project. Because of the timing and the pulls there where made, the memorandum succeeded in bringing project sanctuary to fruition.


The document

memorandum Research & Development - Special Access Project - Project Approval- Notice 295 - planer studies.
The memo itself was not anything special, but what it set in motion to unfold was.


The history of project sanctuary

The project lasted two and a half years, where it came to an abrupt end.
The project was approved and funded in full, within the end of the day. Even by the high magus of the city, had approved it himself.
  Within six months test site was build, on the outskirts off the city. The building itself looked like it wound contain anything, ontop of that the wards and safety functions also build into it. One would think that, everything was under controle. The research continued, as signs of the inevitable conflict with the other magocracy became more and more obvius. More and more preasure where put onto the project, and more mand power and resouces where assigend to it. A year and a half into the project the testing bagan, and the wards and safety measures seemed to do their job. anohter half year past, and field testing where just about to begin. When both the board and high counsel, demanded to see results. They where on edge, because intelligence had seen the uptick to the coming conflict.
  Now with even more pressure on to produce results. The field tests were accelerated, the last field test before a demonstration where demanded, worked flawlessly on a little hut far away. The day of the demonstration had arrived. Nothing even close to this scale had been tested. The demonstration where set to encapsulate the outer city district. Where negotiaionse with the two other major mage citys Spheria and VĂ©alcir was taken place. It all worked as intended upto a certain point, where it seemed that the field where colapsing in on it self. But where it in fact were being torn apart, by an instability in the plane borders. This tear in Enimales reality, pulled the area apart and demolished eveything in the vicinity. The mage citys, the landscape even the continent it self were been torn apart. Although this did not happen immediately, the results of it were permanent.


The aftermath

For centuries the area where near uninhabitable, reaked by storms, disasters, strange plages and magic have not really work the same, in the area since. The area had been caused to undergo what others have called a Planar thinning, of which still affects the world today. Their are not many left that still knows, that there once were a sixth continent called Fendrel.    

| The Lycanceum archive | collection - the downfall of Fendrel


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